All in it #Together

Bada bing…

In this blog, I will be taking a look at some of the current freemasonic scammers, deceivers, chaos agents and shills exploiting the so-called ‘truth movement’ as well as the groups and channels they are part of. I will also show the links between them and their sycophantic hangers on as well as the low level agents paid by the state to attempt to discredit and intimidate those who expose these incredibly obvious charlatans on social media.

But a few of them…

I will show how they operate together to control the narrative and how they exploit the naivety, wilful deep ignorance and unwarranted arrogance of the ‘fake awake’ followers they target to achieve this – and how they mock them for consenting to it…

I have written about my own experiences with the state agents that use social media to (very badly and unsuccessfully) attempt to shut down dissenters here and I have explained how the ‘Alt. Media’ and those that set themselves up as spokespeople for the so-called ‘freedom movement’ operate here and, if you are one of the many ‘truthers’ that still don’t grasp that nobody in the public eye is on your side then I would suggest that you read them and pay very close attention…

Freemasonry is a religion and a society of secrets

I have also written about freemasonry here and I would suggest that you read it if you don’t understand that freemasonic beliefs, rituals and symbols underpin the ideology of the ‘cabal’ of the kabbalistic Ashkenazi ‘Jews’ and Jesuits that control the realm that we live in entirely. I would especially recommend reading if you naively believe that freemasonry is just a bunch of local businessmen pulling their trouser legs up and tweaking each others’ nipples in their local lodges to avoid parking fines and speeding tickets. 

Stop falling for the same old tricks

If you don’t understand that freemasons use divide and conquer tactics via Hegelian dialectics to divide, distract and deceive you into consenting to their agendas then I would suggest that you read this blog here too.

Simple enough for you?

The main purpose for writing this blog is to attempt to illustrate to the people who are still falling for the same old freemasonic cons, scams and grifts why they are so easy to manipulate and control – in the hopes that they might wake up and stop allowing themselves to be used and abused by freemasons – and one of the main reasons why they allow themselves to be deceived is because they have absolutely no knowledge whatsoever about freemasonry and how it operates.

Most of these followers will never wake up to it, and I will explain why a little later, but, if you are one of the very few so-called ‘truthers’ capable of critical thinking and stepping away from the herd of gullible automatons, then reading the blogs I have linked to above will help you to wake yourselves up to these devil puppets and understand how they’ve been mocking you all along whilst pretending to be your friends and saviours…

Straight from the horse’s mouth

Freemasonry operates via deception and this is because they worship Lucifer – they are the enemies of God. Their entire ethos and symbolism is based on subverting and disobeying the word of God and this is apparent from their gematria, their logos and their hand signs.

The masses are addicted to the beast system

The Bible tells us that Satan, the ‘father of lies’, rules the earth and when you step back and take a look around at the society you live in this is very evident. It should also be obvious from the way that the leading figures in every sphere of influence use these satanic (freemasonic) hand signs and symbols – from politicians and royalty, through actors and musicians and sportsmen down to judges, bankers and police officers. They are all freemasons and they all push the same agenda.

Now, some of you may be put off by the fact that I am using The Bible as a reference point and, given the way that these masonic controllers have sought to lead us away from our creator and demonise ‘Christianity’, I can understand this completely. However, by reading my blog on The Bible here, you will hopefully come to understand that we are facing a spiritual war and not a physical war of the flesh. 

Submit to the Father and He will show you the truth

Understanding this is key to ‘waking up’ to these deceivers as all true discernment comes from God. These freemasonic deceivers that pretend to be on your side are offering material solutions to spiritual problems and it is your love for the materialistic ‘beast system’ that enslaves you which draws you to them and which prevents you from seeing what they really are – the ‘wolves in sheeps clothing’ that The Bible warns about…

Money is a tool of control

They use the seven deadly sins, our human weaknesses, to tempt us away from our creator and to ‘learn to love Big Brother’ – the beast system itself. One of the key ways they do this is by the creation of money, which is nothing more than a drug used to control those that buy into the ‘values’ of this satanic world. 

Humble yourselves

However, the most deadly of the seven sins by far is pride and it is pride that stops many of these followers from accepting that they have been deceived by these masonic manipulators and learning from their mistakes. Just as Satan needs consent from God (read the book of Job in The Bible), his followers (freemasons) require our consent and they get this consent from the masses – including the self-proclaimed ‘fully wide awake critical thinkers’ who are sleepwalking and never think – by showing us what they are using symbolism.

Change the way you view the world

Freemasons tell us how they operate in many ways. They tell us that they use symbolism to communicate and when we fail to identify them by these symbolic messages then we are consenting to be deceived according to their ‘laws’. 

They tell us that they use half truths to deceive us because a half truth is the most powerful form of lie and yet many supposed ‘truthers’ fall for even the most obvious of shills such as David Icke, Alex Jones and, bizarrely, even Joe Rogan.

Don’t be a follower and you won’t be led

They also tell us that they supply their own opposition – and they do – like the people I am writing about in this blog and in previous ones – and still the vast majority of people don’t listen. By controlling the opposition they control the narrative of the opposition and therefore they cannot ‘lose’. This is why they create these groups and employ these shills to seemingly ‘oppose’ them. When you look under the surface, past the half truths designed to draw you in and earn your trust, it all becomes very clear – if you open your eyes, that is…

Stop believing in false prophets

Freemasons tell us that they supply our ‘heroes’ for us and yet these same ‘truthers’ cannot resist idolising freemasons from the onscreen world created for them – by freemasons – and letting them speak for them. They completely buy into ‘celebrity’ culture and they defer to people who they perceive to be their ‘betters’ just because they are given a platform by the media.

It’s all been done before…

This was apparent when the ‘covid’ psyop first took off and so-called ‘critical thinking truthers’ stepped back and let these media masons completely take over the narrative – aided and abetted by the ‘spy cops’ on social media platforms and in the protest groups – despite my warnings from the very start. 

It is also apparent on social media when you see the fake, staged ‘viral’ videos being shared by the herd and they seem compelled to tag in these deceivers because they view them as ‘celebrities’ and ‘heroes’.This is how the masons control the narrative of the ‘truth movement’ – because ‘critical thinkers’ let these snakes think and speak for them…

Be an individual and stand out from the crowd

The vast majority of humans are herd animals and have absolutely no capability of standing alone against the crowd and walking the ‘narrow path’ that we are told to keep on in The Bible. They fear ridicule and abuse from their peers and they wilt and crumble whenever they are threatened or intimidated because they are mentally weak and spiritually dead.

None of them are on your side – it’s all an act

I don’t say this to be horrible, I am saying this objectively in an attempt to help these people but they can’t be helped if they refuse to help themselves and question what they are told by these born liars. If you don’t respect yourself then how can anybody else respect you? You know yourselves better than anyone does `and if you are showing me that you aren’t worthy of respect then who am I to argue?

Be the author of your own truth

Because these people have a materialistic outlook on life and are spiritually lacking – which is a massive understatement – they are incapable of seeing that what we are facing is a spiritual battle. They buy – hook, line and sinker – the ‘1984 is coming’ nonsense promoted by David Icke et al in the so-called ‘Alt. Media’ that is completely 100% controlled by masons. 

David Icke’s fake awake fantasy world

This is a fantasy narrative where ‘outer space’ exists, we live on a spinning ball, JFK was ‘killed’ for being on ‘our side’ (even though he was from a freemasonic ‘bloodline’ family), governments kill their own citizens in ‘false flag’ terror attacks, the ‘holocaust’ happened, nuclear weapons exist, ‘viruses’ and ‘pandemics’ are real, Princess Di was ‘killed’ by the Windsors and there is a coming ‘New World Order’ one world government in which all of our ‘freedoms’ and ‘liberties’ will be stripped from us because the goal of this ‘cabal’ is to own and enslave us completely.

Your reality

Well, I have some news for you: they already do own you and enslave you completely and you don’t have any ‘freedoms’ and ‘liberties’ in the satanic beast system – you never did – read this blog here to see why. Like David Icke, George Orwell wasn’t ‘warning’ us about anything – he was a freemason – he was writing about his present. 

This is how they control you

The Great Reset is nothing but a trojan horse for the real ‘New World Order’ that is coming – the Aquarian age that you can read about here and also in my “The Devil’s Roundabout” blog that I linked to earlier. This is why the self-appointed spokespeople for the ‘truth movement’ are focusing on this deception – because they are freemasons using their ‘order out of chaos’ modus operandi to bring in their true agenda by the back door.

You already live under the ‘New World Order’

You see, the goal of the ‘cabal’ isn’t to enslave and own you, as I have already stated – they already do own and enslave you. What they are doing is preying on your fears of losing worthless, material possessions to manipulate your emotions, to gain your trust and to lead you into the Aquarian age – and they will do just that – with your consent.

This is how they manipulate your emotions

The mainstream media release fake story after fake story to manipulate you – usually by way of fear and anger – because when you are emotional you aren’t thinking straight and are easy to control. This is also how the ‘Alt. Media’ and the shills controlling the narratives of these groups operate too – because they are all freemasons using the same Hegelian dialectic.

Stop paying attention to your fake reality

They control all sides as that is the only way to be sure of winning – if you own all of the horses in the race then you can’t fail to win and that is how the political system works, as an example. Look at the stories these people promote and share on social media – how do you feel when you watch and read them? You feel angry or afraid don’t you? Next time you are on your timeline of shills or watching one of the deceivers you subscribe to, step back and think how what you are seeing makes you feel – I guarantee it makes you feel angry or afraid. Now have a good think about why that is…

This is why he doesn’t oppose all vaccines…
As you do…

When you are emotional you don’t consider the very obvious – such as how you can spot freemasonic symbolism from the people you are told are ‘Illuminati’ but not when it’s someone that you’ve been brainwashed into believing is on your side. There are no ‘good’ freemasons. That’s retarded ‘Q’ rubbish. 

All freemasons

This is a very important point to consider: Why is it that you can identify some people as being ‘in the club’ by their symbolism but not others? It’s because you have been programmed into believing in ‘goodies’ and ‘baddies’ when nobody on your screens is good. This is freemasonic black and white dualism – remember, they create their own opposition and supply your ‘heroes’, as they tell you themselves. 

All in the same club

The phrase “Everything isn’t black or white, it’s shades of grey” tells you this – they are all on the same side pushing the same agenda, only playing different roles. Think of the cast of a film – let’s say Star Wars – they are all following the same script to further the same plot but on your screens they are on opposing sides. Offscreen they are all pals. Wrestling is another analogy for this and it’s the same thing with the ‘celebs’ and people in the public eye on your screens – they are merely actors playing roles to create order out of chaos because they are freemasons.

Turn it off

If you are still watching TV then you are allowing yourselves to be brainwashed – it is literal mind control. You consent to this brainwashing every time you turn your television on. Consider why the head of a TV station is called the CONTROLLER, why they broadCAST and why they have CHANNELS and PROGRAMS – it’s witchcraft and people are under the spell of their black box.

You reap what you sow

You can read on blogs I’ve linked to how gematria is used to code words and how the English language – the language of freemasonry – was created for this purpose and you can also read about how admiralty law shows us how they hide their real agenda in plain sight with their words – SPELLINGS! Do yourselves a massive favour and switch off your TVs permanently as they are just portals to subconsciously PROGRAM and CONTROL you

The entire world you see on your screen is fake – and this is how ‘they’ control the masses. Next time you are talking with your friends or your family, observe how long it takes for the conversation to move to the world on your screens – be it ‘politics’, sport, TV, movies, computer games, the music industry etc – it won’t take long, trust me. That’s how easy it is for them to control the masses – they make people take more interest in – and place more value upon – the fake world on their screens rather than in their own real lives. They believe what they see on their screens more than they believe their own senses…


Freemasons consider themselves to be ‘enlightened’ – although when I show you some examples of the low IQ agents that get paid to sow division and cause chaos on Twitter later you’ll see how laughable that is – and they mock the ‘profane’ by showing us what they are with their symbolism. When you catch them out they will pretend that it is a ‘joke’ or they’ll make up some other deliberately unbelievable excuse – or, when they realise that you aren’t falling for their guff and know what you are talking about they’ll just ignore or block you…

There is only one meaning

One of the ways they do this is by giving their signs and symbols double meanings – one for the ‘enlightened’ and one for the ‘profane’ – and by duping the masses into using these symbols they can get away with mocking us mercilessly by claiming that they are just saying it’s ‘OK’, or ‘victory’ or ‘Westside’ etc when in reality they are showing you what they are – and, therefore, gaining your consent to be deceived…

Lapdogs of Satan

Masons are also pack animals, which is why they use lions and wolves as symbols, as they lack the intellect and the basic common sense to defend their lies convincingly when confronted and, instead, choose to ‘gang stalk’ those that see through their obvious agendas. They will try to intimidate, threaten, stalk and even use the police to try and intimidate people into silence – as I have experienced myself – and when that fails they go back with their tails between their legs because they follow a script, cannot think on their feet and because they are all mouth and no brains. 

I will give examples of how these intellectually challenged masons operate throughout the blog when we look at these groups and agents in detail and you’ll see that they all use the same tactics and script because they have no imagination at all. They are very basic in all respects and they are absolutely awful at reading people who can think for themselves. They are only effective when targeting the herd – which is why they are exclusively only followed by ‘fake awakes’ and their fellow masons – and when they come across someone with a brain, a pair of eyes that work and who isn’t remotely susceptible to being ‘shamed’ or ‘intimidated’ into silence then they are rendered completely powerless.

To reluctantly use the Star Wars analogy again – a franchise I cannot stand (but, admittedly, enjoyed as a child) – freemasonry is like a ‘Jedi mind trick’: it is only effective on the weak minded. Sadly, this means the majority of the population – including the vast majority of self-proclaimed ‘critical thinkers’. Another Star Wars reference to consider is the quote “Who’s the more foolish? The fool or the fool that follows him?” as this is particularly relevant to those of you that follow these idiots blindly and allow them to think and speak for you… 

One very, very important point to understand before we move on and start looking at these groups and shills is that the entire ‘Alternative Media’, ‘Truth movement’ and the so-called ‘Great Awakening’ is entirely manufactured. Every single thing we know that we have learned from the ‘Alternative Media’ is because ‘they’ want us to know it. We aren’t ‘getting one over’ on these people by learning ‘the truth’ – they are deliberately showing us – because the ‘awakening’ is completely controlled and planned and absolutely necessary for the real agenda to play out.


There are many levels to being ‘awake’ and they cater for every single one. Every level has its own shills and agents throwing you crumbs of truth and deceiving you – so those of you that think you are ‘special chosen ones’ because you know you don’t live on a globe or because you know viruses don’t exist, think again…

MSM and ‘Alt. Media’ work in tandem

You have the MSM who cater for the vast majority of the fluoride addled herd who are addicted to the beast system, are spiritually dead and follow whatever their tellies tell them to do and then you have many levels within the so-called ‘alternative’ to this who cater for those who are mostly addicted to the beast system, are mostly spiritually dead and who mostly do anything their ‘Alt. Media’ heroes tell them on their screens.

Think of the MSM as Guns ‘n’ Roses and the ‘Alt. Media’ as Nirvana, to use a devil puppet analogy you will understand. Same record label, slightly different audience and they serve the same purpose. Take Guns ‘n’ Roses, turn down the metal and turn up the punk and you have Nirvana. That’s the only difference between David Dimbleby and David Icke…

Because freemasonry is about creating chaos, the ‘Alt. Media’ is composed of many different opposing views that are seemingly contradictory – just like the masonic controlled MSM. This is simply the Hegelian dialectics coming into play again – they even use the same methods because, like the devil they worship, they are seriously lacking in imagination.

Your heroes are all ‘in the club’

Anyone with a large following on social media platforms is controlled – no exceptions – because the beast system doesn’t allow those not in ‘the club’ to have a voice that could potentially influence the masses. This should tell you that all of your ‘heroes’ from the worlds of sport, music, TV, film, politics etc are freemasons – even if you can’t see the obvious symbolism they use.

They’re not on your side

Why would an industry that is entirely owned by freemasons give a voice to genuine opposition when, as we have established from their own mouths, they create their own opposition and supply your ‘heroes’ for you? They don’t have to. They just use shills and agents to pretend to be on your side and act out scripted conflicts on your screens because they know you’ll fall for it – and you do…

Only freemasons in the media

This is why they use people like Piers Corbyn and David Icke to give a supposed ‘alternative’ view on their mainstream talk shows – if they only showed one side of the argument they’d be accused of bias and they’d lose viewers and, consequently, their influence. By using these agents they ensure that their own scripts and narratives are used for damage control and that everything that is said is controlled – and they are control freaks. They simply would not allow anybody that isn’t part of their masonic brotherhood any airtime to say things that they don’t want the masses to hear – because TV is arguably their most potent tool of propaganda.

Welcome to the layer cake, son…

They cater for all levels of so-called ‘awake’ people and they do this by creating many different ‘truths’ for the same ‘events’ – JFK ‘assassination’ or 9/11, for example. They have the supposedly ‘awake’ arguing amongst themselves over these events depending on their discernment levels and how easily manipulated and influenced they are.

Think for yourselves

This ‘divide, deceive and distract’ method is always the same and it is the easiest way to conquer the herd – which is why they have been so successful at doing it. It only happens because people allow themselves to be influenced by what they are told rather than to think for themselves and come to their own conclusions – and I include myself in that re: the EGI thing. 

These are not coincidences

None of us are infallible, none of us are safe from these tactics if we get complacent and none of us are truly ‘awake’. This is very important because so many of the ‘fake awakes’ who follow these deceivers are the most arrogant and ignorant people in the entire so-called ‘movement’. They will tell you on their social media bios that they are ‘fully wide awake critical thinkers’ and then they’ll be following Gareth Icke and David Kurten – it’s beyond parody…

Spiritual problems cannot be solved with material solutions

These people need to seriously reflect on their arrogance and ignorance and humble themselves. They need to understand that all of this ‘troofer’ stuff is just a huge distraction from finding God and building a relationship with Him. That is where true discernment comes from and that is why these deceivers have gone to such great lengths to hide Him, mock Him and create a society that directly opposes His will

Are you seeing this?

We will go a lot deeper into how these masons act – and ‘act’ is a very appropriate word – as we go on but now it is time to start looking at these shills and groups in more detail to use them as examples of this – which is about the only useful purpose they serve – and we will start off with the painfully transparent freemasonic organisation known as The #Together Declaration

“Against censorship”…

I first wrote about this very obviously controlled group around a year ago after they were first formed and I’d been questioning them on Twitter prior to this. As is customary with these shady shills, they ignored my questions – despite claiming to call for ‘open debate’ – and, instead just pushed the usual controlled opposition narrative where viruses and contagions exist, not all vaccines are harmful and that ‘mandates’ don’t require consent.


These freemasonic deceivers are no different to the likes of KBF, Save Our Rights UK and Stand Up X and they push the exact same narrative and yet somehow still manage to hook the same ‘fully wide awake critical thinkers’ that the other masons did. If you are one of the deluded people that still think those groups are legit then you can read my blogs about KBF here, Stand Up X here and the groups in general here.

Same old, same old…

Like these groups, ‘Together’ absolutely pushes the same government narratives that I have just mentioned and, like these groups, they want to keep supposed ‘free thinkers’ absolutely tied to the beast system. This is because, like the other groups, they were created and are controlled by freemasons to deceive, divide and distract – as I said, freemasonry always operates in this way.

It’s not hard to follow

First let’s take a look at what this group claims to stand for, who the people involved are and what they’ve done for the past year since their formation. 

Pure tosh
How inspiring…

We can see from their supposed ‘Mission Statement’ above that they advocate social contracts and being ruled by a government – just like the KBF and Save Our Rights UK ones. This is because their primary goal is to ensure that their followers and supporters remain completely aligned to the political and judicial systems – the beast system mentioned earlier.

Question them and see how much they love ‘open debate’…

They even laughably claim that the government is there to serve you – again, just like the other groups did, almost like they work from the same script – and, speaking of ‘script’, they even use the same line as KBF about ‘unchecked’ governments ‘adopting authoritarianism’. I have shown before how these groups and shills have all used the ‘disproportionate response’ line because it’s all scripted by the state for them to parrot to their easily led followers. It’s a bit sad that ‘critical thinkers’ don’t get that all governments are authoritarian by nature – especially given the fact that they are granted authority over them…

You are better than this…

They then go on to tell us that this has happened all across the world without telling you why – namely that ‘nations’ are nothing more than corporations all owned by the same people – freemasons. They also push the standard line that our ‘way of life’ is ‘free’ and that it’s ‘under threat’ rather than the truth – that you’ve never been free and that any ‘future threat’ is a distraction from this.

You should be able to see through this nonsense….

They then claim that they have been ‘successful’ and have shown how ‘powerful’ they are by pretending that mandates are laws and by pushing fearporn about legislation that was never going to be implemented in the first place in order to convince the non-thinking ‘critical thinkers’ who blindly hang onto their every word that ‘unity’ and ‘standing together’ made the ‘difference’. This pathetically predictable script never changes and when their target audience are unquestioning herd animals with no capacity to think for themselves it doesn’t have to…

They’re hardly subtle are they?

For example, this group claims that their petitions have stopped ‘mandates’ for NHS staff to get vaccinated but mandates require consent so they could never have been enforced anyway. Thus, their followers now believe – very, very wrongly – that petitions, writing to MPs and trusting these shills has a positive effect and they will be more likely to continue along this very idiotic path – just like they’ve done for two and a half years – because they don’t think for themselves, don’t question anything these people say and just blindly follow and parrot people from their screens because they think these people are superior to them.

This is how it works – add ‘Together’ to the list

This is how the government and the protest groups they create work: they create a fictional scenario that is never going to be implemented, they use the media and their shills to scaremonger, they use fear and anger to control people and then they bring in what they really want to bring in – again, the Hegelian dialectic – just like they did with the Poll Tax. 

The Poll Tax was never going to be brought in – it was simply a way to bring in Council Tax and get the masses to accept it because they thought they had ‘won’ and ‘got one over on the government’. It also gives the illusion that protest groups aren’t all controlled – if they weren’t they’d never be allowed – and that ‘people power’ and ‘unity’ (which these groups constantly bang on about) carries weight, substance and power within the beast system. Are you starting to notice a pattern yet..?

Am I wrong?

These groups are all the same and they’ll never divert from the state script that ‘covid’ exists, that only the ‘covid’ vaccine is harmful and that ‘lockdowns’ and other ‘mandates’ are enforceable by law – well, at least while this psyop is still in play – because they ARE the government. These groups are always created and controlled by freemasons, as I have shown many times before, and this is why all they do is lead the very easily led round in circles, making money off of them to pay back what the state spent on all of these actors and ‘merch’ in the first place. In the freemasonic beast system you pay for your own slavery, I am afraid… 

Freemasons are born liars as they are of the devil, the father of lies, and this is why they tell people myths about ‘forced vaccinations’ and don’t inform them that they are protected by employment law. Instead, they tell people that ‘lockdowns’ are enforceable and that they could be fined or imprisoned if they open their businesses – which is a lie. I wonder why they do this…

It’s the little things…

They use their puppet actors like Piers Corbyn, Kate Shemirani, Fiona Rose-Diamond etc to stage fake arrests and fines to make people fear speaking out, to make them more likely to comply with, and consent to, the ‘mandates’ that they were implementing and to make them seem legitimate. Freemasons do not get arrested and I have shown here how Piers Corbyn faked arrests and mocked his followers by using gematria and symbolism – because he is a freemason himself – which should have been obvious from the start when you consider his background and who his brother is… 

It’s all fake

Just as the devil needs consent from God, devil worshipping freemasons need your consent. This is why they lie and coerce rather than force – have you not noticed this in the past few years? When has anyone you know been fired for not being vaccinated? When has anyone you know been forced to take a vaccine? When has anyone you know been fined or arrested for opening up their business during a so-called ‘lockdown’? They haven’t, have they? So why are these groups and shills on social media promoting fake stories and videos that are riddled with masonic actors, codes and symbolism in an attempt to make you believe these lies? Remember what I said about people being more invested in what people from the fake world on their screens say than in their own lives…

Ivor Nagenda…

These hypocritical freemasons claim to believe in free speech but they ignore or block anyone that attempts to ask questions about their group and what it stands for. I, myself, asked them what they stood for when they were first formed and got ignored. I asked them for their stance on the existence of viruses and contagions, whether they opposed all vaccines and why they claim that mandates are laws and I got blocked for my trouble.

Looks like it…

Andy Bird has done a great job in questioning this group and its members on Twitter and has exposed and rattled many of these grifters – to the point where they now all know who he is and have subjected him to the same masonic gaslighting that I have received myself at the hands of these predictable clowns.

This has only served to highlight their behaviour and their lies to others because when people start questioning them they start with the bog standard masonic deflection, mental health tropes and threats because liars and deceivers fear being exposed – and this group and its members are all liars and deceivers. They are freemasons so how could they not be..?

Did you not learn?

I learned from my dealings with KBF and Stand Up X that when their followers start to question them they panic and either run away to Telegram echo chambers or to their own dead forums where they can control who has access to them. So much for being advocates of ‘freedom’, eh? 

Wakey wakey

These groups were asked many questions by their own supporters who were citing my blogs as the reason for them asking – and this caused them to panic and make up ridiculous excuses to cover for their lies which simply wakes more of their followers up to their agendas. If you are following these current grifters like ‘Together’ then start asking them questions and watch them squirm and panic and embarrass themselves. It’s funny to watch…

When will you learn?

All these groups ever do is try to convince supposedly ‘awake’ people to write to their MPs, to sign petitions, to attend state controlled protests against the state that they supposedly ‘do not comply’ with (and with the state’s permission), to fund court cases that they are never going to win (by design), to donate money to a bunch of millionaires who are supposedly ‘concerned’ about their ‘fight’ – yet won’t put their hands in their pockets (because they are freemasons) – and to buy their tacky, overpriced ‘merch’ – all in the middle of a supposed ‘cost of living crisis’ too, I might add…

About as ‘radical’ as Channel 4…

To highlight how these groups are all linked, you only have to look at the signatories of the ‘Together Declaration’ when they were first formed and you’ll see Louise Creffield of Save Our Rights UK and Nacho and Kelly from Stand Up X to bring the herd to their new pen. Same s**t, different label, as they say…

Another one…

You’ll also see many politicians, doctors, lawyers and ‘celebs’ – who anyone who has learned a thing in the last two and a half years will know are all part of ‘the club’ – which would tell anyone with even one eye (no pun intended) open what this group is – a bunch of freemasons deceiving and exploiting ‘the profane’ – because they hilariously think they are superior to us…

The ‘sir’ tells you…

Together’s poncing takes it to previously unseen levels – again, right in the middle of a ‘cost of living crisis’. They offer extortionate packages for literally nothing of any value in return – but only with their followers’ consent (freemasonry).

Money for nothing, literally

As well as the customary overpriced hoodies and crass tote bags, they also offer extortionate membership subscriptions where you can become a member of a freemasonic controlled opposition group created to deceive you for only £50-£799 per year – let me just reiterate again – during a ‘cost of living crisis’.

A truly striking resemblance…

Alan D Miller is one of the founders and he seems to be some sort of Tesco Value Alan Sugar. I’d never heard of him until I saw ‘Disabled Journo’ Benn from ‘Dissent Media’ interviewing him and co-founder, Adam ‘Pub Twat’ Brooks – which told me they were both wronguns from the off.

Literally showing you what he is

I can’t say I was remotely shocked when, shortly after this obviously controlled opposition group was formed, Miller was doing his customary freemasonic hand signs to mock the idiots who fall for these scams and deceptions. They all do it because they are well aware of how gullible, spiritually blind and deeply ignorant their followers are – they are mocking them in plain sight.

Miller has absolutely nothing of any interest or value to say or to add to any supposed ‘fightback’ – just another ten a penny shill leading the easily led followers round in circles like Simon Dolan before him. He cannot answer very basic questions – and this is partly because he doesn’t have the intellect – but mostly because he is a born liar and deceiver who knows full well what he is doing.

‘Pub Twat’

His crony, ‘Pub Twat’, allowed his pubs to be used as vaccination centres before flip flopping into his new role – just like Simon Dolan’s flip flop from mask importer to fake court case conman/’hero of the people’ depending on whether you have a brain or not. He shows you what he is on his Twitter account with his ‘light bearer’ emoji on his bio and with the fact that the names of his two pubs show you he is a freemason. The first, The Three Colts is coded with gematria and the second, The Owl, shows us that he is a freemason via the Moloch symbolism.

These two charlatans refuse to state that ‘viruses’ and ‘contagions’ don’t exist and that all vaccines are harmful poison because, like all the others, they are employed by the state to divide, deceive and distract you and it isn’t because they ‘sold out’ or have been ‘paid off’ – or because they’ve been ‘compromised’ – it’s because they are freemasons…

‘Heavy metal fan’…

Dan Astin-Gregory was another one I was questioning when they first formed and, again, despite his ‘Question Everything’ banner, he didn’t seem to like questions about the existence of ‘viruses’ and ‘contagions’, whether he was opposed to all vaccines, why he didn’t state that mandates are not laws and why he was always pictured making freemasonic handsigns in his photos. He later replied to someone else saying he was a heavy metal fan in his youth – but I don’t see what that has to do with his pyramid handsign…

All freemasons deceiving you #Together

The signatories who signed up to this group to attract the starstruck TV junkies who comprise the majority of this laughable ‘movement’ (that only ever move round and round in circles…) include ‘comedian’ Lee Hurst, ex-footballer Matt Le Tissier, pop ‘stars’ Right Said Fred, actor Laurence Fox, broadcaster Julia Hartley-Brewer, DJ Danny Rampling, politician David Kurten and ‘political commentator’ Maajid Nawaz – all freemasons, as we can tell by their handsigns and their shilly, state sponsored narrative. They cater for all.

Another obvious one

As well as these signatories, there are many other so-called ‘celebs’ and ‘influencers’ (they don’t even hide what they are anymore…) that are wheeled out to hop on this bandwagon and keep the gullible amused. One of these is Matt Gubba, an ‘entrepreneur’ (aka freemason) and millionaire who has suddenly, after two and a half years, decided that he wants to take on the World Economic Forum – nothing more than an NGO, a lobby group and therefore a front for freemasonic skulduggery – with his newly formed International Liberty Forum scam.

He wants to ‘fight the WEF’ but his mate is part of it…

What is interesting is that Matt claims to be leading this ‘fightback’ against the WEF and yet he follows Steve Baker MP on Twitter who is part of it. He also follows Alan Miller of ‘Together’ and ‘Open For All’ – who was pictured with Steve Baker during Miller’s staged petition stunt outside 10 Downing Street – and yet the pair of them don’t seem perturbed by Baker’s links to the WEF. I wonder why that is…

Baker’s explanation for why he had a profile on the WEF website was that he had met them once, they tried to ‘get him involved’ and that he had never heard from them again. He then claimed that he could ‘guess’ why they created this profile. I can guess too – because he is a politician and therefore a freemason and therefore absolutely on board with the World Economic Forum…

More of the same…

Gubba is yet another Simon Dolan clone and it amused me no end to discover that he had written about Dolan a decade ago and that Dolan supports his ‘BizBritain’ money lending (usury) scam. His current grift revolves around focusing solely on the WEF, just one of many Non-Governmental Organisations that encroach on our lives, and it involves pushing the cringeworthy narratives pushed by the likes of David Icke and the 100% controlled ‘Alt. Media’ that I mentioned earlier.

They show you and then make excuses when you show it

Gubba wants you to believe that the WEF are THE enemy when they are just one of many of these masonic fronts – they’re not even one of the freemasonic Round Table group. He pushes the nonsense about us being ‘forced to eat bugs’ and the ‘1984 is coming’ crap I mentioned earlier that Icke’s spent 30 years conditioning his cult-like disciples to believe. I won’t go into David Icke as I’ve already written about him on a linked blog and also on this blog here.

The freemasonic ‘cabal’ don’t have to enslave you because they already have – with your consent, as always – because, as I’ve said, freemasons need your consent. They don’t need to ‘track and trace’ you because you willingly allow them to do this when you use your phones and bank cards and when you ‘accept cookies’ and allow companies to sell your personal data to other companies – in other words you ‘surrender your privacy’. I am guilty of this myself and I am not claiming any moral high ground here, simply being honest, which freemasons are incapable of being…

You also consent to the CCTV that monitors your every move because you believe all of the fictional ‘terrorism’ stories and don’t question why supposed ‘knife crime epidemics’ always seem to occur in ‘spates’ – there will be about 4 or 5 fictional incidents in the media, usually in London, all within a week of each other and then you don’t hear about them again until there is new legislation to push and more ‘rights’ to take away from you – just like the fake ‘terrorism’ stories. This is why these fake, coded hoaxes and psyops are commonplace – to instil fear and anger and to gain the public’s consent for legislation that takes away your ‘rights’ and ‘freedoms’ – at least, in the eyes of the (freemasonic) law…

The ‘being forced to eat bugs’ narrative is just pure theatre and it’s truly tragic how many people give this the time of day because they don’t seem to realise that they could simply refuse to eat bugs. They seem to think that stormtroopers are going to burst into their homes every dinner time and force crickets down their throats – and these are the people that proudly – and very, very mistakenly – refer to themselves as ‘freedom fighters’…

They also claim to be fighting against ‘social credit systems’ but they’ve existed for years – they’re called ‘credit scores’. Your worth to the state is merely your monetary value which is why you are given birth certificates and National Insurance Numbers that are floated on the stock exchange because you are used as collateral for loans that the state takes out – with your labour used to ‘pay them back’…

You live in a prison without bars and, because you only see the material, you are unaware of this. This is how it works. If you don’t know that you are prisoners then how can you rebel and break free? Freedom is a state of mind and that is why they invest so much time, energy and money on enslaving your minds with the beast system and all that it entails. These groups and shills that I will be showing in this blog – and many, many others – are part of this investment. 

Politicians are freemasons…

Their crusade against internet censorship is a joke because, as I have shown – and will show throughout this blog – these masons do not believe in free speech and they certainly don’t believe in truth – which is why they never tell any when it comes to the important issues and why they attempt to shut down those that do… 

The ‘You will own nothing and be happy’ soundbite is a perfect example of how these devil puppets subvert the word of God and use the material mindset they have programmed you to have against you. Owning nothing is no bad thing, on a spiritual level. I own nothing of any significant monetary value and I am happy. True happiness can only be found spiritually. They tap into the fear of losing homes that you think you own and losing the consumer lifestyle that you are addicted to in order to create the necessary fear required to control and manipulate your emotional response.

Now, I am not saying that you should all roll over and accept The Great Reset – far from it. These people appoint themselves as your ‘leaders’ and ‘spokespeople’ and any authority they have over you is because you recognise and acknowledge them as such – including politicians and monarchs. If you vote for any party at all then you absolutely surrender your sovereignty to freemasons and completely accept any decisions they make that affect your lives – including ‘lockdowns’ and ‘mandates’ – and that’s why these groups keep you tied to the pipedream of political and legal ‘solutions’. If you voted, you consented to it – no argument – because you willingly participated in the freemasonic deception that allowed it. 

Democracy is the illusion of choice

All politicians are freemasons and they are selected by the same people to perform conflicting roles in order to dupe the gullible into thinking that they have a choice and that the ‘people in charge’ are the problem rather than the system itself. This shouldn’t even need explaining at this stage but, if it does, read the blogs I linked to earlier…

Carry on voting for your enslavement

When you see people like Gubba and all of the others involved in these scams and groups calling for political solutions then it’s pretty clear that they are, at best, completely stupid and deeply ignorant and, at worst (and in reality), the controlled opposition freemasonic agents that they are – leading the herd round in circles while the agenda rolls on unabated.

They tell you who they worship

When you see politicians – and doctors, lawyers, ‘celebrities’ etc – involved in these campaigns then you should know immediately that it is a freemasonic grift because none of them will ever be on your side. They swear oaths of allegiance to freemasonry, like all politicians, doctors, lawyers, soldiers, police etc – and anybody on your TV (mind control tool) screens – and if you think that they will suddenly grow a conscience and defect then you are beyond help…

Masonic system

This is exactly why the very idea of ‘fighting back’ against the beast system in a physical way – even if these groups and ‘individuals’ (I use the term very, very loosely) weren’t all controlled ops – is retarded. I will break it down for you in case you cannot see the obvious…

The police and the army are not on your side, never were and never will be

The people behind the ‘Great Reset’ are freemasons and, as a consequence, are part of the biggest gang on earth. Their influence stretches everywhere and they own everything – and everyone in any position of power is one of them. All police forces and all armies swear oaths of allegiance to freemasonry or to people that are freemasons and they are never going to put you or I before their luciferian cult.

The vast majority of non-masons are absolutely braindead – and, more importantly, spiritually dead – and they are incapable of even seeing that ‘covid’ isn’t real, let alone seeing all of the other things they’d have to see in order to be motivated to stage some kind of civil war against these people.


Thankfully, you won’t have to because, as I keep trying to hammer home to you, these people operate by deceiving people into consenting rather than forcing their will on anyone – because it is a spiritual battle, not a physical one. Therefore all of this talk of ‘fighting the WEF’ – even if they did have any power and weren’t just a lobby group NGO – is completely foolish. If you didn’t consent and tried to take them by force you’d be crushed instantly and the idea of beating them via their own political and legal systems that are both entirely designed for the benefit of freemasons is even more stupid than trying to take on their armies – but not as stupid as trusting and following chancers like Gubba with his long list of dissolved companies…

Pure fantasy

We can see from the above drivel that Gubba is keeping the sleepwalkers that can’t see through him completely tied to a fantasy existence in which the political system can be changed from within, where ‘high profile individuals’ (freemasons) are ever going to be on the side of the masses and where the media isn’t completely 100% controlled by masons. It’s pure idiocy to even listen to this rubbish, let alone donate to a millionaire – during a ‘cost of living crisis’…  


His International Liberty Forum group tells you how many followers they have on their homepage because they tap into the herd mentality and know that, the more people they claim to have supporting them, the more chances they have of enticing more people to exploit and deceive.

Nobody likes a hypocrite

He is currently gaslighting Andy using his many sycophantic, masonic, paid agent shills posing as ‘normal people like us’ for highlighting these points – and for questioning why someone ‘opposing digital currency’ would want you to pay him digitally via his customary freemasonic grift donation page. He is trying to paint Andy as some kind of ‘fringe lunatic’ who is out to sabotage ‘real truthers’ like Gubba – ‘real truthers’ who never tell the truth…

Textbook stuff

This is absolutely standard freemasonic tactics and we’ll see many examples of this from others throughout the blog. Gubba is nothing but another ten a penny freemasonic grifter conning the gullible during a so-called ‘cost of living crisis’ because they clearly have more money than sense. They absolutely consent to being deceived and deserve no sympathy for it at all. Wilful ignorance is the worst form of ignorance and they choose to ignore the warnings that Andy, myself and many others have given them regarding these deceivers…

One of the scripts currently being used on Andy and others that are questioning them – and one which I have been subjected to myself many times – is the one where we are all ‘divisive’, that we are going against ‘our own’ and that we are trying to sabotage the ‘movement’. Now, I am not claiming to speak for Andy or anyone else here, I am only speaking for myself, but I want to make it very clear what my position on this is…

These people are not ‘my own’ because they are freemasons and deceitful devil puppets spreading lies, exploiting well-meaning but very naive and ignorant people via emotional manipulation and I have no affinity with any of them or their controlled opposition groups and agendas whatsoever – nor with anyone else involved in the ‘movement’. I have no interest in it at all because I know what it is – and after two and a half years, so should all of you…

Yes, I am divisive in the sense that I divide myself – and as many people that I can help to wake themselves up to these masons and their agendas – from these shills, from their groups, from their controlled ‘movement’, from the political and legal systems, and from freemasons. I have never pretended otherwise. 

Ideally, I absolutely would like to sabotage the ‘movement’ but I am under no illusions that I will be successful. I just want to help to wake up those that are capable of waking themselves up and seeing through it and if it puts a few freemasons noses out of joint along the way then good. The more the merrier…

These people rely on ‘groupthink’ – which, ironically comes from the ‘1984’ society they claim to oppose – and that is never going to work on me. I’d suggest they come up with a new script for me because they seem to think people like me care about what the braindead herd think or that I care what freemasonic deceivers in the public eye think about me. I couldn’t care less about any of them. Is that clear enough? Good, let’s move on…

You’ll never see this on the BBC…

These groups use the laughable GB News channel to push their narratives to their followers because their followers just don’t know how to exist without watching television – for reasons I explained earlier – and you’d think the fact that it is shown on terrestrial TV would wake people up to the fact that it is literally MSM…

More ‘coincidences’

They have MSM freemason presenters running nothing but MSM news stories on a freeview channel which their viewers somehow think is an ‘alternative’ – to what?! Go on their website quickly right now and tell me how it is any different from BBC News, Channel Four News or Sky News – and you didn’t believe me when I said TV is nothing but a brainwashing tool?!

GB News is apparently ‘anti-establishment’

You’d have thought alarm bells would have started ringing and red flags would be raised when the shills from ‘Together’ and GB News were all out paying their respects to freemason Lizzie Windsor after she ‘died’ (yeah, she died ages ago – this was just a freemasonic ritual playing out as it always is) and when their website and channel were entirely devoted to this topic…

Not too suspect…

They are also funded by The Legatum Institute, a ‘think tank’ that has itself been funded by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – something that the shills affiliated with the channel don’t like to mention, particularly as they push the “Bill Gates is the most dangerous man in the world and controls governments with his Microsoft money” crap. Gates is just an actor but it’s very telling that we are allowed to know that he supposedly funds this ‘news’ channel that treats him like the boogeyman…

“Nauseating adolescent”….

This is a mainstream news channel designed to attract ‘UKIP and Brexit types’ – well meaning people that are just being manipulated by freemasons and who have been divided and conquered because they cannot learn the very basics that I wrote about in my blog on the nature of divide and conquer and how it works. 


June Slater plays the role of one of these types – a ‘normal person like us’ role – to divide, deceive and distract her large following because all of the signs suggest that she, too, is a freemason and I will explain why…

Let’s ignore the basics – that she wouldn’t even be on the channel if she wasn’t and that she certainly wouldn’t have the large following that she has for a ‘normal person like us’ – for the benefit of those who don’t grasp these facts and look a little deeper into why she makes it very obvious what she is…

If you follow this one you have issues…

Firstly, she is completely invested in keeping her followers tied to the political system and pushes all of the usual masonic controlled ops scripts – ‘covid’ exists, the ‘war’ in Ukraine is real, Bill Gates isn’t a puppet actor ‘boogeyman’ and really does have power and influence over governments etc etc. 

Imagine this one telling you you’ve made a ‘stupid comment’

Then there is the fact that she interacts frequently with all of the other controlled opposition shills, which is a huge red flag, and has an unnatural investment in promoting GB News, ‘Together’ etc. On top of that she pushes obvious psyops like Alex Belfield’s fake jail time as a consequence of his fake arrest that I highlighted at the time – and we’ll go into this one later – in order to indulge in ‘whataboutery’ regarding the ‘Muslim grooming gangs’ that appeal to her auience.

Mockery of the ‘profane’

Then we can see, not only her coded usernames, but also her using codes in her tweets like the 311 – which is a freemasonic inversion of their 113 lying code – as well as defending the shills mocking you all with their freemasonic handsigns – even ludicrously claiming that the ‘pyramid’ handsign that Dan Wootton made whilst attention whoring for Lizzie Windsor was merely ‘a public speaking technique’ that she was taught when she was selling avon or tupperware or something to ‘avoid getting clammy hands’! The fact that he has made this handsign many times before – and others – seems to be inconsequential to her agenda…

He goes a bit quiet when you ask him about freemasonry… like all the others

She also uses the standard freemasonic deflect, abuse and block techniques employed by masons – such as referring to follower numbers, calling people ‘stalkers’ and ‘trolls’ for voicing their opinions on a public platform and the usual mental health tropes.

As well as appearances on GB News, she has also appeared on Ickonic, David Icke’s channel that is fronted by his son Gareth – which we will come to later – and that is most definitely a sure sign of being a controlled opposition shill if ever there was – nearly as much as being on GB News is…

She pushes all of the usual shills and groups and even laughably claims that ‘Together’ stopped NHS workers getting sacked with their petition stunt mentioned earlier. It’s just a car crash and if you are falling for the likes of this one then you require very urgent help as they don’t come much more obvious than ‘Chief Gammon’ June…

Beyond a joke

James Melville runs her very close though – mainly because he was a fan of ‘lockdowns’ at the start of the psyop – even calling for them to be extended and appealing for more testing for a non-existent ‘virus’ – and then randomly transformed himself into part of the self-proclaimed ‘freedom fighter’ clique who, like June, just stick to the government narrative where ‘covid’ exists and only the ‘experimental covid jab’ is harmful – all of the others are just fine and dandy…

Standard hypocrisy

He is a proven flip flopper who, as I said, attacked those who opposed ‘lockdowns’ and questioned the ‘covid’ narrative and now he acts as though he was ‘fighting for your freedom’ all along – we can see from articles like this that he wasn’t…

#NoVaxPassports except for ‘beefa’

His hypocrisy seemingly knows no bounds as he will often post ‘#NoVaxPassports’ and then does his very best to ensure they are brought in by complying to be tested in order to fly to Ibiza for jolly-ups with other ‘freedom fighters’ with no morals, ethics or self awareness. The only ‘pandemic’ around seems to be a ‘contagious strain’ of midlife crises amongst middle aged freemasons who think they are 18 and going to Ibiza for the first time…

They promote other masons

He is another one making the handsigns as a ‘joke’, defending blatant mason Dan Wootton because freemasons stick together, promoting blatant devil puppet Russell ‘33’ Brand and is yet another one pushing the ‘if they are calling us shills they must be the shills’ idiocy. Unfortunately for James, even most of the fake awakes can see through him thanks to his very clear and blatant pushing for longer ‘lockdowns’ and calling for more testing for a ‘virus’ that never existed. The ma(so)n is a joker…

No such thing as ‘ex-BBC’…

On the subject of jokers, there was a fake news story circulating recently concerning ex-BBC freemason Alex Belfield supposedly being jailed for five and a half years for supposedly ‘stalking’ freemason Jeremy Vine online. This is laughable for many reasons, not least because freemasons like Belfield don’t get arrested, let alone jailed.

An obvious psyop from the start…

I showed over a year ago why his ‘arrest’ was fake when I was exposing ‘Disabled Journo’ Benn’s shilling. He has been supporting this phoney even though the fake video of the police entering his home to ‘arrest’ him occurred at 12:21 (33) and Belfield has been shown making many freemasonic poses to show us what he is.

Theatre for dummies

What is interesting to me is the fact that Jeremy Vine claims that Belfield put his daughter at risk by sharing his address online and yet my address has been shared by masons online too – many, many times – and I know for a fact that the police lose interest as soon as they discover that the people doing it are freemasons – even when they have very clear evidence of blatant death threats, let alone ‘potentially inciting’ others to do harm as Vine allegedly claimed of Belfield’s actions…

This fake sentencing just so happens to coincide with many of these online shills crying about being called freemasons by people online – in other words, stating their opinions on a public platform – and, in my honest opinion, this is an attempt to scare people into silence for fear of being arrested for it. 

Again, as someone who has been unlawfully arrested for alleged ‘malicious communications’, the idea that someone would be sentenced for it is beyond a joke. In my case, I won’t even be charged and the police have been avoiding me for almost a year now because they know there is nothing to charge me with and because they know that I know my accuser is undercover police – an online agent who shills to pay the bills…

It also served the purpose for the ‘whataboutery’ that I mentioned earlier when writing about ‘Chief Gammon’ June Slater, who used this fake story to bang on about Muslim grooming gangs. This is how the ‘chaos’ I mention, when talking about freemasons, works – one fake story and the ripples touch onto many other subjects and cause division within society as people argue over an insignificant nomark who wasn’t even arrested let alone jailed. Filed under ‘Freemasonic humiliation ritual’…

Another one…

Another fake news divide and conquer psyop currently doing the rounds involves PayPal and their alleged closing of accounts for supposedly violating their terms of service. The accounts in question are those of freemason Toby Young, his ‘The Free Speech Union’ organisation, his ‘news’ website ‘The Daily Sceptic’ and that of the freemasonic group, Us For Them UK – who claim to be on a mission to fight for children during ‘disproportionate’ (there’s that government script again) responses to ‘covid’ – a non-existent ‘virus’…

I don’t believe that these accounts were randomly targeted and closed – not least because they involve freemasons – this is simply another divide and conquer operation designed to draw the attention of the masses to these fake stories as a distraction, to cause anger and outrage and to attract support for them (no publicity is bad publicity).

Twitter is full of controlled opposition accounts calling for PayPal to be boycotted over it and the usual hashtags are out for armchair activists to ‘do their bit’ for ‘the cause’ – the cause being to support the freemasons mugging them off, presumably…

In Young’s case, the alleged reason is because he is ‘gender critical’ – he, quite rightly, doesn’t subscribe to the abhorrent pushing of the trans agenda in the media which will get the reaction ‘they’ want. The fact that free speech has been suppressed will ensure that those who appreciate the right to be able to state their views without censorship – but who lack the discernment to see through these psyops – will be up in arms and involved in the debates. 

It will also ensure that the brainwashed victims of ‘PC cultcha’ will blindly defend the ‘rights’ of mentally ill people to mutilate their bodies in the name of ‘diversity, innit’ – even though it has nothing to do with the issue of censorship. It really is fish in a barrel…

More script, more scamming

In the case of Us For Them UK, it gives them an excuse to hide the money that has supposedly been frozen in their account and it highlights their cause that, on the surface, seems very admirable: Who wouldn’t want to protect children from draconian measures?

Well, Us For Them UK, it would seem, because they peddle the state narrative of ‘disproportionate measures’ to a non-existent ‘virus’, they refuse to mention that no virus nor contagion has ever been proven to exist and they refuse to oppose all vaccinations even though there is nothing to be vaccinated against. If they really cared about kids then they would do all of these things. I have asked them a few times, a long time ago, to clarify their position on this and they just gave me the old masonic ‘shhh’ – as standard…

Mo’ Masons, Mo’ Problems

This isn’t surprising when you see their name is coded for freemasonry and when you see the standard cliché populist masonic puppet (in this case, Nelson Mandela) quote on their website. I’d imagine they will now get a lot more support – which means donations – from people who believe that they cannot access the money they’ve already conned from well meaning people – in the middle of a supposed ‘cost of living crisis’ – at a time when there are no ‘covid restrictions’. That’s really going to help kids…

They show you what they are and they show you what they do

This is how easy it is to get the masses up in arms and arguing over freemasonic psyops designed to divide and conquer them. It’s child play, if you’ll excuse the pun. If it’s in the media then it’s put there for a reason and that reason is to manipulate your emotions with scripted fake news. Don’t give this nonsense your attention and let them get on with it…

If we look at both of these psyops then we can think critically and ascertain that they are both pushing the same narrative which allows these freemasonic shills to exploit the ‘Great Reset’ fear mongering – the idea that ‘free speech’ is being removed. This is how it works.

Opposes big pharma… yet promotes big pharma…

John Bowe is another clown with an obvious agenda – namely, pushing big pharma poison as ‘cure’ for a non-existent ‘virus’. Again, this is why they don’t tell the truth about ‘viruses’ and ‘contagions’. Ivermectin and HCQ are pushed by deceivers as an ‘alternative’ to the ‘covid’ vaccine even though there is no ‘covid’ and you’ll also notice that these people make a distinction between this vaccine and other vaccines because it is controlled opposition script – they don’t want the masses knowing that all vaccines are unnecessary toxic poison.

This woman is literally calling for more kids to be poisoned – evil

Dr Renee Hoenderkamp, for example, is pushing a narrative that claims that the ‘covid’ vaccine is different to other vaccines in terms of ‘safety’ and ‘effectiveness’, that this has caused a (well justified) fear of GPs and that more children are missing their ‘crucial and life saving’ vaccinations. She is another deceiver who can produce no evidence whatsoever that any ‘virus’ exists and who blocks people that question her false narrative. 

This one can’t prove ‘viruses’ exist… because they don’t

People like to point out that critics of these people aren’t doctors but what they don’t like being pointed out are the facts that doctors are freemasons – and therefore liars – and that not one of them can produce any evidence to prove us wrong – because we aren’t wrong…

More grifting

John Bowe also started a supposed ‘charity’ that actually isn’t a charity – like all ‘charities’ – and it was revealed that it isn’t even registered despite the fact that he has been calling for donations for some time now. These people are all masonic grifters exploiting the wilful ignorance of those incapable of thinking critically or questioning anything…

He was part of this ‘big reveal’ narrative recently whereby all of these deceivers were pointing to some forthcoming ‘revelation’ that they couldn’t talk about before to drum up an air of mystery and intrigue. It turned out to be just another obvious distraction and irrelevance as they always are – without exception.

Oh, it’s another mason lying – that’s a novelty

The ‘reveal’ was freemason Dr Aseem Malhotra claiming that his father died of a heart attack caused by the ‘covid’ vaccine – which, as a doctor, he wouldn’t have taken as they all know how dangerous vaccines are and they all know that there is no evidence of any ‘virus’ or ‘contagion’ to vaccinate against. 

This is why doctors lie…

This one claims vaccines are safe and yet he refuses to answer what they make you ‘safe’ from – because he is a freemason and a deceiver, like they all are. This is why they focus on one vaccine – to keep the narrative that vaccines are safe and effective alive and to dupe those that are ‘anti-vax’ into taking other big pharma poisons like HCQ and Ivermectin to ‘treat’ non-existent ‘viruses’.

Yet another…

If these doctors were genuine then they’d tell you the truth but they never do because they all work for big pharma – and big pharma, like all drug dealers, need customers to stay in business. Like all drug dealers, these people don’t get high on their own supply so we know that their claims of taking the vaccines themselves are fictional…

This psyop involves all of the usual shills I have mentioned promoting this, as well as appearances on GB News whilst calling for the MSM to report on it – even though GB News is literally the MSM. This is to give this narrative ‘credibility’ amongst the fake awake crowd and to focus on why the media doesn’t report on it – even though it does (GB News) – rather than questioning the validity of it. Because it says something that these followers want to hear (that ‘covid’ vaccine is dangerous), they accept it without questioning the angle or the people involved. It’s just the way it goes, sadly, because they have absolutely no standards…

These coordinated campaigns should raise huge red flags amongst ‘fully wide awake critical thinkers’ because, like the ‘global’ (chortle) protest movement, coordination means professionally organised and planned – and that means it’s part of the masonic theatre. 

Definitely don’t pay them a penny…

Don’t Pay UK is another group designed to tap into the herd mentality, to transfer money from the ‘profane’ to freemasons and to harvest data under the pretence of ‘taking action’ against the state that created them.

The premise is that they need your data in order for you to stop paying your energy bills but they will only take action when they have one million pledgers. Again, this is a group that convinces you of the ‘power in numbers’ to appeal to the flock and they ask for your details because they are data harvesters – they all are. 

Why would you need to give some random people you don’t know your details to stop paying your energy bills? If you cannot afford to pay your bills then don’t pay them. The energy companies can’t take anything from you that you don’t have, can they?

They pose as a ‘grassroots’ campaign, as many of these groups do, and they cite the Poll Tax ‘victory’ (that I explained was a scam earlier) as a reason to back them. Like all of these scams, they want you to fund their campaign that may not even reach their target – which means they won’t even do what they pledge to do – and they don’t mention who the founders are. They claim to be a ‘group of friends chatting’ and, if you have any discernment about you at all, you’d know they are just chatting s**t…

‘No handsigns’ she said… arf

When someone like Russell Brand, about as obvious a freemasonic deceiver as you can get (he even has a ‘33’ tattoo and his latest tour was the ‘33’ tour ffs) is promoting this group that should be enough to know that they’re controlled ops. When Beverly Turner is promoting Russell Brand promoting Don’t Pay UK then it’s game over…

What the vast majority of social media users don’t seem to realise is that they are all part of this masonic web and that they work with the state to push these agendas in many ways.

Masonic tools of manipulation

We know that Facebook is a masonic creation because the fact that the film ‘The Social Network’ was made tells us so. ‘They’ only promote their own creations and it is pretty obvious that the official story of its inception is bogus anyway.

It was clearly created by the intelligence agencies to gather information about your lives – they know who you are, where you live, where you work, who your friends and family are, what you like and where you go – and all because you tell them so. Consent, remember?

Facebook is the ultimate data harvesting tool and all they had to do was make it ‘popular’ to appeal to the masses. They even created the rituals that the masses all willingly took part in so they could be like their friends and not feel left out when the dribblers are all talking about ‘planking’ or ‘ice bucket challenges’ at work or in the pub. It’s that herd mentality yet again. 

Twitter is a tool for the manipulation of opinion and pushing agendas. It takes the mind control programming of the television to whole new levels due to the interactive and ‘real time’ elements. It chooses topics and keywords to ‘trend’ in order to get the fish to bite and engage in the psyops that are being carried out at the time. The idea that ‘trends’ on Twitter are dictated by what the regular uses are tweeting about is a myth – it’s all very carefully coordinated. 

All coded and fake

It allows state manipulators to pose as ‘everyday people like us’ and share completely fake ‘viral’ videos to push agendas and to create fear and anger amongst specifically targeted audiences. It is a platform of fake news, propaganda and lies that routinely bans users for voicing opinions that differ from the state lies that it promotes, as does Facebook. 

Only agents get reinstated after fake ‘bans’

Twitter actively participates in these psyops by the fake ‘banning’ of freemasons like David Icke, Tommy Robinson, Katie Hopkins and Donald Trump to give the illusion that they are not all part of the theatre. Many of the lower level shills have had their fake ‘bans’ overturned, such as mask selling Bernie Spofforth, which is a huge red flag in itself and it gives the illusion that their supporters have a voice.

The narrative that is often pushed in the ‘Alt. Media’ regarding the state potentially ‘taking down the internet’ is completely insane as this is the ultimate brainwashing tool for the masses – even greater than the television in the present day. This is emphasised by the sheer amount of manipulators they employ to divide, deceive, distract and push their agenda on social media platforms, of the types mentioned in this blog. 

Simple as that

Neil Oliver is another one of them that this fake awake crowd seem to be taken in by in droves despite the fact that he is employed by the MSM and therefore a freemason – as illustrated by the hand signs above. He is also yet another one that has refused to answer questions on the existence of ‘viruses’ and ‘contagions’ and whether he is ‘anti-vax’ – because freemasons love to go ‘shhh’…

Sneaky so and so

Former Daily Telegraph cartoonist, Bob Moran, is another obvious one that shows us with his logo that he is a freemason and mocks his followers by posting one eye symbolism photos like so many of them do. People get sucked in by his work for the same reason they get sucked into many of these shills – they something they vaguely agree with that the “MSM won’t tell you”. 

The clues are many

Sonia Poulton’s own website tells us that she is a “Journalist, Broadcaster, Social Commentator & Documentary Film Maker” which is enough to tell us that she is ‘in the club’. If it wasn’t, the freemasonic poses she is pictured making and the very clear freemasonic handshake above confirms this – as did her going silent (shhh) when I showed her the handshake photo on Twitter after she attempted to mock me for calling her a freemason…

They stick together

The fact that she has people like controlled ops agent of the state, ‘Lez LuTHOR’, and ‘Disabled Journo’ Benn on her BNT Rise show – as well as all of the usual shilly suspects – and attends book signings for the likes of Right Said Fred, posting photos of herself with devil puppets Abi Roberts and Charlotte Binns further confirms this. I will go into ‘Lez’ and Charlotte later when we look at the controlled ops Twitter agents but, for now, let’s focus on Sonia…

Shilli Vanilli more like…

Don’t sleep on the significance of her being a journalist for masonic owned and controlled publications and appearing on mainstream television – this only happens if you are part of the ‘club’ – as I keep telling you. They only promote their own – and they promote Sonia…

The name of her BNT Rise program is coded (as is her surname), has a sun logo (sun worshipping freemasons) and, as I have said, features the usual suspects pushing the same old narratives – even Twitter agents like Benn and ‘Lez’…

She has also worked for David Icke’s short lived internet TV and radio station, The People’s Voice, and left after ‘a dispute concerning the transparency of the channel’s finances’. Her statement on this matter, here, levels accusations against David Icke regarding these matters and he left shortly after Poulton and the station became insolvent and stopped broadcasting in 2014.

This case is pretty typical of the way masons like Icke and Poulton divide their audience and get away with scamming the public for money (it was a ‘free’ channel paid for by ‘crowdfunding’) – think ‘the fake KBF v Stand Up X row’ that lasted five minutes before they were putting on demos together again or the ‘Corbyn vs Shemirani’ camps split within Stand Up X – it’s all theatre for the world truly is merely a stage… and freemasons are the actors…

These scams work because of the herd mentality I mentioned before – people have to take a side. That’s why they get divided and conquered – they can’t just ignore it all and walk their own paths. They need someone to be their spokesperson and validate what they think because they don’t have confidence in themselves and nor do they possess the ability to switch off from these ‘talking heads’ on their screens.

“Band shots”…

I briefly mentioned David Icke earlier and we will now focus on one of his sons, Gareth, the trust fund baby who makes a living off the back of his dad’s name – and was also employed by The People’s Voice because it was his dad’s channel. He now fronts the imaginatively named ‘Ickonic’ channel which is one huge symbolism laden grift in itself – charging subscribers £99 a year to watch freemasonic shills giving them half truths at best whilst criticising his dad’s former employees, the BBC, for essentially doing the same…

Imagine thinking Gareth Icke is the ‘legit’ one…

Gareth unsurprisingly refuses to answer questions about whether viruses and contagions exist, whether he opposes all vaccines (even though his dad has done in the past and even though his brother, Jaymie, hasn’t been vaccinated) and why he and his family have been pictured giving multiple different freemasonic handsigns. Actually, the last part isn’t entirely true – he claimed they were all ‘band shots’ until that became even too far fetched for him…


On this subject, this video here shows David Icke responding to “THOSE hilarious FREEMASON pictures” on the Ickonic channel – except the pictures he responded to was a clearly photoshopped picture in an attempt to discredit the truth and the one of him sitting in a grand master mason’s chair in the USA – which he had already given an incredibly unconvincing excuse for when it first surfaced and merely repeats it here.

The clue is in the name…

What he doesn’t do, for very obvious reasons, is respond to the many pictures of him and Gareth making freemasonic handsigns, posing in freemasonic poses and using freemasonic symbolism which I have posted on my blogs and also posted to Gareth on Twitter on numerous occasions – and to both of them on Gab.

More disinfo from Icke Jr
The ol shhh

I posted the above comment to the Ickonic YouTube channel to illustrate this point – and left a link to the pictures – and, as expected, the comment was declined and not allowed to be shown in public on the comments section. So much for ‘truth’, eh? Why do they not ‘respond’ to these pictures? Maybe because they’re not as ‘hilarious’ as the carefully handpicked others…


The set of Ickonic is purple bricks, which shows us that they are masons, and their logo is a purple pyramid within an all seeing eye of Horus – shameless mockery of their wilfully ignorant subscribers. Gareth also regularly makes ‘pyramid’ handsigns and triad claws to mock and to show where his true allegiance lies – chip off the old block…

More mockery of his sleeping followers

If Gareth is genuine then why will he not answer whether he thinks viruses and contagions exist? Answer: Because he works for the state, like his dad, and if people start waking up to the fact that neither exists and that there is no reason to get vaccinated then it starts to affect their agenda of control.

Summer is no excuse for flip flops…

They don’t care if people believe ‘covid’ is real, that little psyop is played out – for now – and this is why they push the ridiculous idea that somehow the ‘covid’ vaccine is more harmful than any other vaccine when they are all unnecessary toxic poisons designed to harm us and destroy out detoxification systems – or ‘immune’ systems to use the misnomer we are programmed to. Immune from what? There are no ‘viruses’ nor ‘contagions’ to be ‘immune’ from…

This one pushes March 2020 script like so many…

The self-proclaimed ‘freedom fighters’ who have spent the last two and a half years pushing the nonsense about 99.997% ‘survival’ rate (how do you survive something that doesn’t exist?), ‘faulty’ PCR tests (if they say you have a ‘virus’ that doesn’t exist then of course they are faulty!), and campaigning about ‘lockdown’, mask and vaccine ‘mandates’ (mandatory means it requires your consent, not that it is forcible) have been keeping you asleep by design and dragging you round in circles. 

Standard masonic mockery

If you are one of the people that have been pushing this nonsense then – and I am sorry to have to break this to you – you are absolutely responsible for any fictional ‘virus’, ‘contagion’, ‘pandemic’, ‘strain’ and ‘mutation’ that these controllers decide to make up next – because you wilfully chose to follow their minions sent to deceive you rather than be the ‘critical thinkers’ you laughably claim to be. Accept this, learn from it and move on. Take it on the chin and humble yourselves. Lose those unwarranted egos and swallow that pride…

Similarly, if you have closed your businesses because someone you claim you don’t consent to told you to – unlawfully because mandates require your consent – then you deserve everything that you lost as a consequence of this. You alone are responsible for your own ignorance and if you choose to sit back and let deceivers like Gareth and Piers Corbyn think and speak for you then you deserve all that comes your way – and they’ll privately agree with me too, which is why they do it with a clear conscience…

These tweets tell you who to avoid…

These people build up your arrogance by calling you ‘freedom fighters’ for doing absolutely nothing bar repeating half truths at best that are given to you by the enemy and for following a bunch of obvious deceivers around satanic ritual sites chanting the coded spells that you are given – because you are nothing more than wannabes and herd creatures who cannot think for yourselves or stand on your own two feet and be individuals.

This is the harsh reality – and I genuinely don’t mean to be nasty – but you need to wake up and accept the truth because you haven’t done that at all in the last two and a half years if you are still taken in by these groups and deceivers. You’ve just wasted two years joining a sad little clique with no substance, no value and no integrity at all because they don’t tell the truth and they are created and funded by the real enemy – freemasonry.

They don’t consent… until they do…

One of Gareth’s co-hosts on Ickonic is ex-page 3 girl – sorry, ‘glamour model’ – Leilani Dowding, who now shows how much she ‘loves’ horses by having nails banged into their feet so their hooves don’t get worn down when she makes them carry her about like they are her skivs…

This is a little excessive…

This one is another typical example of these shills who pretend they are fighting some sort of ‘crusade’ but their ‘ethics’ go out of the window when it affects their ‘need’ to fly abroad or when they get confronted by ‘mask nazis’. Just like her mate, ‘one eye’ Kate, when ‘covid’ restrictions interfere with her desire to get on a plane for a holiday then she absolutely does consent by getting tested and, in Leilani’s case, by also wearing a mask.

It’s a family thing..

Kate is a classic example of how these deceivers show you what they are. Her Instagram is littered with one eye photos to show us what she is – and she even has a pic of one of her kids making the same pose. She also tells us that her late father was a police officer which says it all – mason. 

This one got catty for a while… then blocked

Zoe Clews is another one of this clique who shows us what she is on her Instagram – and also on her Twitter profile pic which I pointed out to her and got blocked – and another is Laura Dodsworth who has the same one eyed pic obsession as her pal Kate. What a coincidence, eh?

The ‘bare reality’ is Laura is a freemason…

What the followers of these fakes don’t seem to grasp is that, whether you tested yourself or not and whether your mask has holes in it or not, you are still complying by submitting the test and by wearing one – you are showing that you are complying and consenting to tyranny. This is what they are encouraging you to do because this psyop was all about compliance, not about a ‘virus’ – and, ironically, these shills spent two years banging that line out…

If you are claiming to be against ‘Vax Passports’ then submitting test results – even if you ‘tested’ a watermelon – is a surefire way to bring them in because, on record, you have shown that you’ve taken a test. These people ‘fight tyranny’ until it affects their shallow lifestyles and then they’d sell their own grannies for a few weeks in Spain. Not too stereotypical are they?

‘man made illness’

Leilani claims that she believes ‘covid’ exists and is a ‘man made virus’ despite not being able, when asked, to show evidence of any ‘virus’ existing. What is her basis for believing that ‘covid’ is ‘man made from a lab’? This is dumb fake awake stuff that people should be well over in 2022 so why would she be pushing such nonsense?


Leilani is yet another of those mason shills that mock with masonic signs and symbols and then claim that it is a ‘joke’ – it is, and the joke is on you if you believe this old flannel. Why would you make satanic handsigns if you are not of the devil? Especially if you claim to oppose his minions…

Not too suspect…

One of her little masonic entourage of shills, Charlotte Binns, is another one that makes these handsigns on the reg – sometimes as an alleged ‘joke’ and others just because she can get away with mocking those retarded enough to follow her and her timeline full of fake awake nonsense.

Selective discernment is a common trait amongst Twitter agents

Just like her schizophrenic ‘white knight’ who we’ll get to very shortly, she seems to have selective vision when it comes to spotting symbolism: when it’s her mason mates she ‘doesn’t see it’ but when it’s someone like Bono or Matt Groening or Katy Perry she spots it and posts it on her timeline. It’s funny how many of them seem to do this…

More ‘coincidences’?

She has been pictured doing the ‘triad claw’ many times, as I have shown, and she was also given a masonic handshake when she embarrassed herself on ITV’s The Chase by host Bradley Walsh – now, I wonder why that might be… if only there was a clue in the name…

The ‘L’

This is another one of the supposed ‘normal people like us’ who just so happens to be pally with obvious masonic grifters like Gareth Icke and Right Said Fred and it’s pretty clear why this is – they are all in the same club. If she wasn’t in ‘the club’ she wouldn’t have even been on The Chase as the world on your screen is reserved for those who serve the beast – and I don’t mean the fat bloke who beat her on the show…

Just naff innit?

Charlotte used to push the KBF, Stand Up X, Save Our Rights UK narrative and was part of the Z-list ‘celeb’ hanger on clique that this laughable ‘movement’ encouraged. She is still part of that ‘scene’ today with the likes of Leilani and Abi Roberts – and Alex Belfield. 

The Grift Gang

These people are all interconnected which is why you’ll see the ‘name’ shills like Sonia Poulton and Gareth Icke interacting with the lower level masons like Charlotte and Benn from ‘Dissent’ Media. It’s all one big scam and if you’re following any of these obvious deceivers then give your heads a massive wobble and wake up because you’re comatose…

As sad as it gets

This very obvious one brings me on to her ‘white knight’ who I exposed in my previous blog about these agents and who goes by many names as he uses nothing but sock puppet accounts. As he likes to use fake names we will refer to him as Perry Combover because he looks like Bobby Charlton circa 1973 going by the photo he stupidly took whilst working for the government in Ukraine under his ‘Lez LuTHOR’ alias – in which he caught his own reflection in a photo he took. Something must have made him very worried because he didn’t have a combover (or white hair) when I met him in 2020…

That tweet though…

He uses his ‘Martin’ (42 for freemason) account to supposedly ‘discredit’ me to his echo chamber of him, Linno and Charlotte and he has spent the last six months since my ‘Webb of Deceit’ blog desperately trying – and spectacularly failing – to do so. What makes him so obvious is the fact that he could have simply shown his hands – as I repeatedly challenged him to do – which would have destroyed any credibility that blog had because it would have proved that he isn’t ‘Lez LuTHOR’. 

Catch ’22’

Instead of taking literally a few seconds to take a photo of his hand and post it on Twitter, he went to elaborate lengths to pretend that he is from Wolverhampton as ‘proof’ – by buying Wolves ‘merch’ from e-Bay and by reading about local Wolverhampton ‘characters’ on a Wolves forum that I also found, Molineux Mix

Why would he plagiarise from a forum if he was being honest?

As you can see, he merely copied posts about some ‘cowboy’ fella and even used the same word, ‘accosted’, as one of the posters – despite the fact that it’s an incredibly uncommon word these days and has been since Dixon of Dock Green. What are the chances of that? Zero chance – he simply found a forum and copied what he saw which he would only have done if I was right about him being ‘Pantser’/’Lez’. He then engaged in a scripted chat about ‘local’ landmarks that he’d googled with his dogsbody Linno which I can only assume was a desperate attempt to make people believe that he was genuine… 

So he watched The Karate Kid when he was a year old and started karate classes? OK…

He also bizarrely began making random posts a few weeks after the blog came out in an attempt to portray himself as a “90’s kid” – he’d have been 20 odd in 1990 by the looks of him – and they were a strange mish mash of actual “90’s kids” memorabilia and things like viewfinders that went out with the ark. The funniest post was one stating, correctly, that the Karate Kid films inspired kids to start karate classes but, unfortunately for ‘Martin’, the film came out in 1985 and he laughably claims that he was born in 1984 – talk about starting early…

That’s me convinced…

He only started posting this e-Bay tat after ‘Lez’ returned from Ukraine (for obvious reasons) and, even if he was from Wolverhampton, it doesn’t explain why he can’t show himself if he isn’t ‘Lez’. He found the time to post pics of football tickets and gameboys in an attempt to ‘prove’ he isn’t in his fifties but he can’t show his hands? He’d rather waste hours making photoshopped pics and MS paint pics rather than just destroy my ‘theory’ in a few seconds?

Too easy…

He has spent six months desperately trying to convince his followers – that are literally entirely composed of fellow agents and fake awake idiots – that he has ‘discredited’ me (so why does keep trying and failing to ‘discredit’ me then?) when he could have literally done that in a few seconds by showing that his hand doesn’t have the same wolf tattoo that ‘Lez’ – and the agent ‘Rich Famous’ that I met with several times – has…

Another favourite ‘trick’ of ‘Pantser’s..
That’s at least 3 from the same account…

After I stopped posting on Twitter in July, this mental midget ‘Martin’ has taken to creating yet more ‘sock puppet’ accounts to very badly impersonate me and then claim that I am behind these cringeworthy accounts – again, aided by the imbecile Linno who has been shown to be a compulsive liar and hypocrite many times over on my previous blog.

Nobody would believe I’d use ‘sock puppet’ accounts as I say what I need to say on my own account and I put my name to my blog. ‘Martin’, on the other hand, won’t even show his hands, let alone his face, because I am absolutely 100% correct that he is ‘Lez’ and ‘Pantser’ and all of the other accounts that I am going to show on here – and many more too…

For starters, if I had made another account then the very first thing I would have done would be to tweet to ‘Lez LuTHOR’ on the main page and mug him off – to make him either block me again and make it obvious he is Perry Combover or to engage with me and get shown up. That is exactly what I would have done and, who knows? – maybe I will make a new account and do it one day…


On the subject of ‘Lez’, why would a supposed ‘bouncer’ block me for telling him I know he is ‘Pantser’ and why would ‘Lez’ never mention my blog about him? I know he’d have seen it (if he wasn’t ‘Martin’ – which he absolutely is – I mean) because I posted it to many of his followers and at least one of them would have informed him.

If I did make another account I certainly wouldn’t deny that it was me, as that is absolutely pathetic, and I can say what I need to say to anyone without any fear – hence me doing so even after these cowardly idiots shared my address, turned up at my home, used the police to laughably try and scare me and made death threats they haven’t got the balls to carry out – so why would I ‘hide’ because ‘Martin’ chats easily debunkable nonsense to an echo chamber of 2? I guess desperation hinders the ability to think clearly…

There is also the fact that I have had about 50 plus accounts due to being reported by agents like ‘Martin’ and banned and I have never denied that they are me – I make it very clear that they are my accounts because, again, hiding in anonymity like ‘Martin’ does is absolutely pathetic and typical of cowards like him.

What is also stupid is the way that they have accused me of being genuine accounts with genuine followers – some of whom no doubt converse with them off of Twitter on other platforms and on the phone – which just makes it obvious to them and their followers that these idiots are agents with an agenda. They’ve even accused me of being some kid who their colleague Wes knows from Instagram and told them isn’t me – and they still persist because causing the chaos is what these masons do…

Not too obvious…

There are many things that make this ‘Martin’ character of Perry’s so obviously an agent with an agenda and I will go through them all in order to show how these online, keyboard warrior ‘soldiers’ operate and how they are oblivious to how obvious they make themselves. I don’t know if freemasons are inbred but that may be one reason for them possessing such a lack of intelligence and common sense…

Firstly, this character only appeared after I had blocked one of his many other accounts, ‘Pantser’, and randomly targeted me out of nowhere because I rightly showed that Charlotte is a freemason and a controlled opposition gatekeeping shill. He then started saying the exact same things that ‘Pantser’ had been saying about Bevvie and EGI – what a ‘coincidence’…

He also started claiming that I had been ‘scamming’ people because I believed in EGI yet I have never taken any money from anyone, refused a fair few kind offers to pay to subscribe to my blog when I was out of work and, ironically, I refused money from this clown as ‘Rich’ when he very suspiciously offered it to me. I also ignored his not very subtle hints at asking for donations too because, unlike him, on his ‘Lez’ and ‘McHonk-Honk’ accounts, I am not a ponce…

Only an agent would be so desperate to ‘discredit’ me (hence him getting my website taken down) – for telling the truth and not because I was ‘scamming’ – and the fact that he ignores the clear evidence of his skiv Linno pushing EGI too (I’ve shown multiple examples of this) makes it a tad obvious that they are agents with an agenda – especially when they have both spoken about ‘trannies’ even within the last month or so…

He loves his numbers

What makes him even more obvious is his obsession with my blogs. He even makes the same comments about them being ‘too long’ like Pantser did. Why would someone that isn’t an agent, be so bothered about them that he’d read them and post from them religiously (he seems to know the one about him being ‘Rich’ by heart, he’s read it so much)? I’ve been accused of being an agent many times – by agents, ironically – and I don’t give it a second’s thought as 1, it’s ridiculous, and 2, I couldn’t really care less what random people from the internet think of me. 

I simply tell the truth and that’s that. People are free to believe what they want. I have nothing to sell and nothing to gain personally from what I write. I just try to wake people up to what people like ‘Martin’ are and they can do what they like with the information, it makes no difference to me…

He has spent two years trying to ‘discredit’ them and has failed – just like he failed to set me up with that gun and just like he failed with that police business – failure is the only thing he is any good at, it seems. Also, why would ‘Martin’ be so invested in ‘proving’ that my completely true and factual story about ‘Rich’ (‘Martin’) was ‘made up’ for if it isn’t him? Especially as his ‘Pantser’ character unfollowed his ‘Martin’ one when publicly attempting to gain my trust. It’s just transparent and it shows how desperate he is that he makes so many rookie mistakes that are very easy to spot…

I’d also like to think that, if my story about ‘Rich’ and the gun wasn’t true – and it IS true – then I’d have the imagination to make it a lot more interesting than it is – dumb agent makes crap ‘plan’ to entice me to take a home made crappy one shot pop gun and I return it after a few weeks. It’s pretty uneventful isn’t it? So why would I make it up? And why have I told many people on Twitter about it between November 2020 and March 2022 when my blog came out, including on my public Twitter timeline? 

He loves a good scam

Why would ‘Martin’ have been so invested in ‘Lez’ when Andy started stating that it was ‘Rich’? Why would he jump in to randomly defend some obvious mason scamming unless he was ‘Lez’? He wouldn’t – especially as he claims to be so against ‘scammers’. There is only one reason for him to have done this – the same reason he hasn’t been able to show his hands – he is ‘Lez’…

I wonder why ‘Martin’ is so invested in making people disbelieve my story about ‘Rich’ (him) and the gun…

It’s also obvious that he has no issue with actual scammers because, apart from scamming on his other accounts, he also follows many proven ones such as Cheryl, Wayne, Benn and The Illusion – who are still mutuals despite having a scripted argument on Twitter – a tactic that is absolutely standard for these idiots.

That’s some serious ‘cringe’

He accuses people of ‘deflecting’ and ‘avoiding questions’ but this is all this clown ever does when asked about Charlotte’s masonic handsigns or whether he thinks Ian Brown or Gareth Icke are freemasons or why he made that cringeworthy, lame statement about believing the police and the army are on our side and that they’ll come and save us from tyranny – now who would say something as daft as that other than an agent? No wonder he is too embarrassed to comment on it…

He e-mailed me this song he wrote in 2020…

Speaking of clowns, he also had an account where he seems to be able to be his mentally unbalanced self without having to pretend to be vaguely ‘normal’ – Dr Doctor McHonk Honk (now ‘banned’, conveniently) – where he not only sounds and looks like ‘Rich’ with facepaint on doing fake accents, but also posts videos of his cringeworthy parody songs – including one that he sent me in mp3 format via e-mail ages ago, ‘Dear Mr Gates’…

More cringe…

On this account, Perry follows and promotes all of the shilly ‘Together’ and GB News shills – and Charlotte, naturally – and it’s an absolute cringefest of shilldom. He also ponces coffees like he does on his ‘Lez’ account – as well. 

He does get a lil too invested…

This account is pertinent because it highlights how masons like ‘Martin’ operate and it’s all about the duality, the Hegelian dialectic and the ‘ordo ab chao’ ethos: he promotes people on one account and then criticises and ‘exposes’ (some of) them on another. This is what their purpose is, it’s not to be on one side or the other (because both sides’ narratives are controlled by masons, remember?), it’s to create chaos, division and confusion…

Isn’t EGI a ‘scam?

Perry also deletes his tweets – just like ‘Bobettio’ funnily enough – and I have shown that he has changed his userid to turn one ‘sock puppet’ account into another – who both happen to be people that know me and have an interest in me despite me not having ever conversed with them (on those accounts anyway)…

Me’ apparently…

It’s also funny how ‘Bobettio’ (who types in a very unnatural way, like someone trying too hard to hide) doesn’t respond to ‘Martin’s latest tweets – I guess he either forgets to, which is understandable given how many accounts he has, or that he is attempting to claim that Bobettio is ‘scared’ of him (why would anyone be scared of ‘Martin’? He can’t even answer basic questions or show his hands)…

Another one meant to be ‘me’…

Even when ‘Bobettio’ pretended to have ‘outed’ Charlotte as being a shill he didn’t post the pics of her making freemasonic handsigns – just the one she posted herself on Twitter as a supposed ‘joke’ (that old chestnut)…

I won’t really go into this one any more as I have spent long enough on him. It’s pretty clear what he is and what his agenda is and why he can’t show himself. I’ll just leave the obviously fake, freemason following ‘Christian’ to scour through this blog looking for desperate getouts to convince his disinterested echo chamber that he is legit and to pick that narc ego back up from the floor where it is right now.

Give them enough rope to hang themselves…

He can continue to spout lies from behind his ‘sock puppet’ account all he likes, it’s water off a duck’s back to me – as he’d know if he had any sense. I just laugh at him desperately trying to get me to engage, like I do when I see his desperate attempts to get me to click on the daily clickbait spam e-mails he sends straight to my spam folder, as that is his level. It’s even funnier when he e-mails me from fake accounts pretending to be other people (I genuinely think he has schizophrenia) because he doesn’t realise I know it’s him, even when I state how I outed the likes of ‘Martin’ ages ago etc, so low is this one’s IQ…


He tried to fit me up with a gun and failed spectacularly, he tried to scare me with an arrest that will never see any charges after I sussed that Jo is police and he certainly isn’t man enough to come back and do anything – even with his homemade, little one-shot popgun…

He loves to ask questions but doesn’t like answering them – just like a copper…

He can hide behind his ‘anonymity’ all he likes – I know ‘Martin’ is ‘Lez’/’Pantser’ and the others and I know that he knows I know – and that’s all I need to know. I just sit here in his head, rent free, laughing at a coward who can’t even show his hands because he is right where I put him – in catch 22 – ‘Martin’s favourite number, incidentally. I warned him about thick people who think they are clever but I guess he was too thick to listen… take those checkers off the board, Perry, the big boys are trying to play chess…

Masons go ‘shhh’…

This blog will be the last attention this idiot gets from me and I won’t be engaging with him – or any of the others I will be mentioning now – as that’s what they want. These agents are just energy vampires desperate to engage you in their nonsense and distract you from more important things – such as literally anything else. The last few months have been amusing watching Perry and Linno get ever more desperate for me to bite and engage with their scripted idiocy and I am sure there will be many more laughs to come from these intellectual pygmies.

Brain not included with this one…

Linno has already been shown to be a hypocrite and a compulsive liar many times over and she will again here too – especially regarding her accusing random people of being my ‘sock puppet’ accounts when it’s her that uses them. Whozthatchick? Why, it’s Linno of course – my, that was easy…

Like ‘Martin’ – and, prior to this, on his ‘Pantser’ account before he abandoned it after I told him I’d be outing him on my blog and he got me arrested for it – Linno targets people who like and share my blogs on Twitter, something that literally only an agent would do. I am not ‘outing’ her here as that was done six months ago (well, even longer on Twitter), I am simply highlighting how agents like her operate.

One of the other obvious things that gave her away that I forgot to mention previously is that, despite trying to cause a rift between myself and Andy by posting something I’d said about him in DM (but had already said to him beforehand), she failed to post a board I had made about another deceiver showing symbolism and gematria. Despite Linno and ‘Martin’ (on his ‘Pantser’ sock puppet account) supposedly being against this person and supposedly trying to cause a rift between us, she didn’t post the board even when she was having her meltdown about me saying she was a mason – which she is.

Doesn’t that seem a little odd? Why would someone as vindictive and emotionally unstable as Linno not use that against me when she’d already attempted to cause a rift between myself and Andy? Because the person I made the board about was part of their little operation, and pretty high up too in my opinion. This agent was still in play, still had a job to do and that’s why Linno didn’t go there and still hasn’t to this day – it’s always the little things…

Little things like, after telling certain people that I would be writing a blog about my arrest and the people involved, Linno suddenly stopped being cocky and mentioning the fact that I had been arrested (how would she have known if they aren’t all connected and aren’t agents?) and Jo suddenly canned her account that she’d recently started using again (and then canned it permanently after I exposed her as being undercover police, funnily enough). Isn’t that a ‘coincidence’?

Just like it was a ‘coincidence’ that Linno then made an attention seeking post about feeling bad on her alleged birthday (Christmas Eve) and then – would you believe it? (erm, no) – her brother only goes and dies that evening? What an excuse to ditch that account and create your ‘Whozthatchick’ one, eh? 

They love a ‘shhh’…

In her narrative we fell out and then I called her a mason in ‘retaliation’ – this is a popular one amongst them as it must be in their textbook at Hendon. In reality, I saw through her and didn’t follow her on my new account and then we fell out after she started attacking me for choosing not to follow her. What’s also interesting is that ‘Pantser’ called me to ask me what was going on, that she had been crying and upset over it and asked if I would follow her so she could apologise – which I declined.


Now, do you really think that an emotional train wreck like Linno who had a meltdown for a month over it would really be that upset over me not following her that she would call Perry Combover and cry down the phone about it? Of course not. This was merely a scripted attempt to manipulate me by two agents working in tandem – first it was ‘Pantser’ and Linno and, after he abandoned that account it ‘mysteriously’ became ‘Martin’ and her… I wonder what this could mean…

LIke Perry, she has become ever more desperate for a bite since I stopped engaging and her daft claims get more and more hilarious – such as me supposedly making money from advertising Cheryl’s stickers on my old website – I did it as a favour because I thought that she was genuine at the time. The whole point of that scam wasn’t to make money – she was selling them very cheaply in order to attract more customers because it was a data harvesting scam to obtain their addresses.

Truly awful

Linno just repeats and recycles the same old playground slurs as that is as far as her intellect allows her to go but, unfortunately for her, nobody listens at all outside of her shill network. Her timeline is just posts about me and about her rather military/police looking dogs. She claims that her family is a ‘crime’ family and that she is ‘used to dealing with the police’ and there are your half truths in play again – they are a crime family, yes – masonic police officers like her…

Besides Charlotte, the only other interest in Dumb and Dumber’s scripted desperation comes from Mason Matt and PoPo Jo – that’s Matthew Blackman and Joanne Webb – who I believe are both undercover police officers as I have explained in a previous blog (well, I KNOW Jo is by the reaction of the police officers I have asked about this)…

Grifters gon’ grift…

When I don’t post for a while, Matt gets brave and pipes up with the usual retarded stuff about me supposedly ‘stalking’ women and me supposedly exposing his masonic handsigns, gematria, pushing big pharma poison for non-existent ‘viruses’, being a fake ‘Christian’ (like ‘Martin’) who follows freemasons (like ‘Martin’), refusing to oppose all vaccines, pushing obvious fake stories and psyops etc etc because he is ‘mates’ (colleagues) with these (alleged) women.

Why did he block me for asking about a double headed eagle patch?

What’s funny is, all I would have to do is say all of this on Twitter, ask him whether Jo’s ex’s patch means he is a freemason etc and he’d run away and block again. This is someone who reckons he will come down with his imaginary friends and kill me. Well, it’s been over a year now and he comes down to London all the time to work at demos as a crisis acting police officer yet he never comes to the address that he has shared like a coward – just like his ‘mate Wayne, who shows us via his gematria that he is a government agent – funny that…

Just saying, like…

Speaking of Wayne, him and Matt seem to have a very unhealthy interest in sex with children and, given that they show us they are freemasons, it shouldn’t be too surprising. Now, I am not saying that these two are a pair of nonces, that’s for you to decide – I am simply objectively showing their tweets that suggest an unhealthy interest in the sexual abuse of children…

‘ludicrous accusations’ he says… we’ll see about that…

Matt also piped up in defence of the GB News and ‘Together’ shills when they were accused of being freemasons after Dan Wootton’s ‘pyramid’ handsign whilst paying his respects to a (long) dead freemason. He jumped onto a thread by another fake ‘Christian’ freemason, Calvin Robinson, stating that I had falsely accused him of being a freemason due to the masonic handsigns he claimed he had posted as a ‘joke’.


This is only half true, in true freemasonic fashion. I did call him a freemason – because he is one – and this was after he made the handsigns. He then proceeded to jump onto the bandwagon (he loves a bandwagon, this one) of making freemasonic handsigns as a ‘joke’ but what this actually is was a bunch of freemasons mocking both those who know what they are doing and those that are too ignorant and simple to see what they are doing – in classic masonic duality…

Not so ‘ludicrous’ after all…

What Matt didn’t know, though, is that I found a photo of him from February 2018 of him doing a triad claw handsign whilst posing as a Big Issue seller. Was that a ‘joke’ too, Matthew? Was that done to ‘mock’ me as well, even though we didn’t ‘know’ each other then? Have some dignity and give it up. Don’t be like Perry and Linno…

They love a good scam…

This brings me onto a few important topics – namely the fake backstories that these agents use to sell their acts, the fact that charities are no more than freemasonic scams to fleece the ‘profane’ and the fact that the media only ever promote their own – as I have shown before regarding Matt’s pal/colleague Cheryl’s sticker scams being in the MSM, along with The Light disinfo rag that Matt and Wayne push. If you want an expansive list of shills and agents simply look at Matt’s following list – it’s a who’s who of agents, shills and grifters. 

Amazing ‘coincidences’…

It’s interesting that I have found three articles with Matt playing a homeless Big Issue seller in Bristol dated 2010, 2014 and 2018. This seems a bit of a ‘coincidence’ that the same person would be used as a spokesman for the homeless in articles written every four years over an eight year period. As I have said, the media only use their own – which means freemasons – and the photo of Matt doing the triad claw would appear to confirm this…

I wonder why she canned her other account…

Speaking of fake backstories, DC Joanne Webb – who I outed as being an undercover police officer with a fake backstory of being an atheist RE teacher in the previous blog on these deceivers – made the mistake of engaging in a scripted conversation with Linno in a failed attempt to bait me into tweeting. 

All it did was bring to my attention that this account, created when she created her ‘Fake Awake Club’ backups (of which this is one), is her. I’d love to take the credit for spotting it but it was someone else who pointed me in her direction – I’d seen the account before and had even posted some of her tweets on a board used in a previous blog without even knowing it was her.

Oh now she was ‘sacked’…

On this one, Jo was still a teacher but left in a slightly different, more dramatic way than before: last time she left to stack shelves and this time she called her head teacher a ‘brownshirt’ and got fired. There was also a highly amusing tweet of having a fictional ‘ex-husband’ who ‘disabled the heating’ so she’d freeze and she seems to have gained an extra child from somewhere. 

New name, same old Jo…

She claims she is raising four kids on a single salary – even though her actual three kids all moved out ages ago – and what was most pertinent was the fact that the ‘argument’ she was having was with her pal and fellow agent, ‘Autonomous’ Amy aka Anastasia.

Amy was behind the ‘Freedom Media’ group (so successful I had to look on an old blog to see what their name was!) – the one that created a Telegram group advising people to get landlines so she could harvest their data and who called for ‘direct action’. This ‘direct action’ consisted of turning up at several locations where there just so happened to be untold plod waiting outside for them every time – I wonder why that was…

‘Kalergi is real’…

I also noticed from the board I made about this group that Amy was pushing the same racist divide and conquer nonsense that she is doing currently. Before it was “20k unknown Afghans incoming” and “800 daily dinghy men plus hidden weapons” and now it’s “black and brown men” who are supposedly coming to the UK with the express purpose of forcing white women to have their babies – the old Kalergi shite…

It must be true though because Amy’s contacts told her, the same ‘contacts’ who told her that there are ‘Black ops’ forces being trained to come over and off us all. Given the skull and bones logo of her old group and her bait freemasonic coded gematria I think I’ll disbelieve this one, somehow…

Let us pause for a second and consider the links between these Twitter agents. The idea that all of these clearly connected people were all strangers prior to March 2020 and that they only met via Twitter is laughable. Many of these people are so-called ‘77th brigade’, many are undercover police spycops – who I wrote about previously and who were part of an MSM scandal involving the ‘infiltration’ of protest groups – and various other controlled opposition agents who are all tied together by freemasonry.

The idea that the ‘77th brigade’ are people that make seatbelt/ventilator comparisons or who openly oppose the ‘anti-lockdown/covid’ narrative is pure fantasy. These people are professionals – they literally get paid to sit on Twitter all day pretending to be ‘normal people like us’ – and the same applies for the undercover police. They are undercover, they ‘infiltrate’ and they are controlled opposition so the clue is in the names, no? 

The ‘spycops scandal’ showed us that the police ‘infiltrate’ protest movements so why would any of you think that the ‘anti-lockdown’ movement or any other would be any different? The MSM tell us about this because this isn’t the whole story – which is exactly how controlled opposition works. This is why these controlled ops groups and shills don’t tell you that no ‘virus’ exists and that all vaccines are unnecessary toxic poison designed to do us harm.

The truth is that all of these groups are created and controlled by the state and they use freemasons from the police and the military to pose as ‘normal people like us’ in order to control the narrative, to harvest data and find out who the genuine people involved are. This is how real controlled opposition works as I have stated before.

I also stated before how that controlling the narrative requires controlling the majority of the movement and the only way to ensure this is to make sure that the majority of any movement are agents under your control. This is why there are so many of them within that protest movement and also on social media. 

‘way off the mark’…

These people are not a minority and you’d be shocked if you knew how many of the Twitter users you think are genuine are, in fact, employed by the state to befriend you, influence you and monitor you. Don’t sleep on this. If you are on social media speaking out against ‘covid’ or any other blatant state sponsored psyop then it is guaranteed that you have freemasons attempting to ‘befriend’ you…

And so it is written…

I expose these agents and shills simply because I can – it’s very easy for me. I do it because I despise people who seek to deceive and exploit others (freemasons) and because The Bible tells us, in Ephesians 5:11, to expose ‘the unfruitful works of darkness’ – freemasonry. Their intimidation attempts, death threats, on and offline stalking, police harassment, slurs, spam e-mails, crank phone calls, the sharing of my address on social media etc does not deter me one iota. They need to seriously up their game if they want to bring me down. They’ve spent too much time amongst their braindead, herdlike followers I think…

I do not care what anyone thinks about me or whether they believe the daft playground level slurs or not. I am most definitely not part of the herd and I stand alone on my own two feet away from any group – and have done from day one. I speak for myself only and nobody speaks for me. I encourage anyone with a brain and a moral compass to do the same. I have no interest whatsoever in being part of the crowd and never have done. 

I have nothing to sell you and I don’t want your money or your praise – money is the root of all evil and I am not controlled by my ego or by the flesh. I am motivated by the Spirit. I don’t need you to buy me a coffee, I can buy my own, thanks – just like these grifters can buy their own – only they choose to deceive you into consenting to buy theirs for them because they are freemasons asserting their perceived dominance over you. 

If I wanted adoration from the masses or I wanted to make money from exploiting people I would simply parrot the same crap that all of these people I write about spout and it would be very easy to do. It’s not hard, any of you could do it. It’s lowest common denominator trash and, frankly, it’s beneath me – and I would hope that it is beneath all of you too. 

I have always, from day one, encouraged people to be individuals, to think for themselves, to question everything – even what I tell them – and to not get taken in by the groupthink that these groups push to divide, deceive and distract them. Most importantly, I have always encouraged people to be true to themselves and their beliefs and to be authentic because an inauthentic life is not worth living. 

To clarify my own beliefs, I am not religious at all – religion is made by man to enslave hearts and minds by subverting the word of God – because ALL religions are created by freemasonic luciferians. However, I DO have faith, and I DO believe in The Bible and in Yahuah, our creator, and in Yahusha, His son who died for our sins and rose again on the third day. There is a huge difference between faith in Yahuah and in following man made religions.

Having faith is not weak – I believed that it was for many years until I found Yahuah and learned that He is very real. Having faith requires mental strength, self discipline and the ability to have empathy, love and compassion for those who do not deserve it – just like Yahuah has empathy, love and compassion for us when we are all sinners in His eyes. 

It is about leading by example and staying on the narrow path when it attracts those who are motivated by forces of darkness. It is about having the courage of your convictions to say and do what is right even when you are faced with adversity and even when it would seem to be easier for you to give in and submit to the temptations of the world.

This world is ruled by Satan – The Bible tells us so and it is very clear to anyone who steps back and looks at it objectively. The values that are being pushed are values that displease God and subvert His word – this is no accident. Freemasons control this world for the devil and they show us this by their signs and symbols.

Here’s another obvious one

We face a spiritual war and these deceivers are making you focus on materialistic, inconsequential rubbish to distract you from this. Why do you think these masons have gone to such great lengths to mock the word of God, to distract the masses with nonsense such as globe earth, ‘outer space’, ‘gravity’, ‘evolution’, ‘dinosaurs’ etc?

Why do you think ‘Christianity’ has been subverted to the extent that ‘Christians’ worship on Sundays (sun days because they are masons) rather than on Saturday, the true Sabbath? Why do they celebrate pagan festivals such as Easter and Christmas – even though The Bible expressly forbids this? Why do you think that they have been duped into worshipping false idols like Mary, mother of Yahusha, and wear graven images like crosses?

You don’t need to go to church – they are all run by masons anyway – your relationship with God is a deeply personal one. However, it is very important that you read His word in The Bible and it is very important that you understand the message of the gospels. 

Seeking ‘truth’ via the alternative media led me to God and it is through God that I found true discernment and realised that this movement is completely controlled by the disciples of the devil from top to bottom. 

Learn to be humble, have empathy for others and help those in need of help – even those that don’t realise they need it. Don’t give up on people who reject your attempts to help them and don’t take the actions of those motivated by evil personally. They can’t help what they do, they are just vessels of the devil. They are incapable of being anything else and that’s why they are narcissists and why they have no empathy for others.

It’s also why they are so predictable and why they have such a primitive imagination – God creates and the devil imitates and this is true of their followers too. Just as God uses his children to do His work, so does the devil, and the two work in tandem. Satan needs God’s permission to tempt you, as I mentioned earlier regarding the Book of Job, so be strong and resist and show Yahuah that you are in this world but not of it. 

Focus on Yahuah…

This is what you should be focusing on right now, not dumb idiocy like the ‘Great Reset’ – which is material distraction from the spiritual war. I know exactly what these shills will say about me saying this because I know how they think – they are as predictable as the devil they worship.

They will either say that I am ‘mad’ or that I am here to distract you but, as I said earlier, it isn’t me that has something to sell you and, with all due respect, I couldn’t care less whether you believe me and take notice of me or not because I don’t care one bit about your praise or adulation – save it for Yahuah…

They will try and keep you on the stupid path of thinking that you can stop whatever is coming. Most of you are easily manipulated by obvious shills and completely controlled by people on your screens, with the greatest of respect – and you are the supposed ‘awake’ ones. Look at the masses out there – do you honestly think they are ever going to wake up? Do you think they even want to? They absolutely love the beast system and so do most of you…

Nothing will be forced on you, you will be deceived into accepting what is coming to ‘save’ you from this fake New World Order Reset crap and the people I have written about are the ones that will convince you into accepting the ‘solution’ that has already been planned for us – and the vast majority of you so-called ‘truthers’ will fall for it hook, line and sinker for reasons that I have already explained…

They show you who they worship…

The objective truth is that if you really cannot see that all of the freemasonic signs and symbolism that is everywhere – logos, hand signs, gematria, symbology used – are all connected and all show who the people using them worship – the devil under his many names – then you are suffering from extreme cognitive dissonance, are not even remotely ‘awake’ and are no better than the people that you mock for wearing masks and getting jabbed for no reason. You are coincidence theorists and nothing more. It’s very clear to see. Your wilful ignorance is keeping you in a trance.

I have very clearly shown you how these controlled opposition agents operate, how they are all linked by freemasonry and why you are allowing yourselves to be deceived – namely your deep ignorance, your incredibly unwarranted arrogance, your herd mentality and inability to stand alone as individuals, your deep rooted addiction to the freemasonic beast system and, most importantly, your spiritual blindness.

Only you can take the steps to wake yourselves up to what you are allowing to happen to you. I can merely open the door for you. I can’t make you enter. The choice is yours and you always have a choice. They need your consent, always…

Freedom is a state of mind – it is spiritual freedom. Nobody can break your spirit unless you let them. All anyone can do is make you feel discomfort physically and it’s the spirit that is important. When you allow yourselves to be controlled because you fear physical harm or material discomfort then you show that you have no spirit and are of the world – and we know whose world this is.

Focus on the spirit, seek out your creator and build a relationship with Him. Live your lives according to His will and you will be rewarded. Stay on the narrow path and avoid the temptations that stem from this world – and from those that are of it – as that will only lead you to destruction. 

Change your mindsets, change your lifestyles and seek discernment from God – and you will start to see things you didn’t see before and you will gain a greater understanding and wisdom of who you are and what your purposes are. 

The majority of you won’t ever wake up to these deceivers because you were never meant to. To those that have learned something from this blog and are starting to question the people that you have allowed to manipulate and control you, and who you have handed over your narrative, your voice and your very thoughts to, I wish you the very best of luck on your journeys. 

As for me, I’ve stated many times what my motivations for writing blogs and for outing these deceivers are. It certainly isn’t to profit financially and it certainly isn’t because I want popularity or to be some kind of Alt. Media ‘celebrity’ – if I wanted either of those things I’d have to be a freemason, for one, and I’d have to write the same shilly shite that they all do from the same script. That’s definitely not my scene…

I am just focusing on the things that are important – and that’s most definitely not engaging with nomarks on Twitter – and I will write blogs from time to time as and when I feel inspired to do so and they will be about topics that I feel inspired to write about, not just the ‘troofer’ stuff which, as I have said, is just one big distraction and full of shills and deceivers leading you down empty rabbit holes.

I do hope that you have managed to learn something about these groups, shills, masons and undercover agents from this blog and I hope you feel compelled to read more blogs to gain a deeper understanding of how freemasonry controls your lives. 

Most importantly, I hope that you feel inspired to seek out your creator and reject the materialism that keeps you tied to the beast system and that makes you susceptible to falling under the spell of these agents of darkness. That is where you will find true discernment and understanding – not from me and certainly not from these state sponsored snake oil salesmen – but from Yahuah, your God.

I sincerely wish all of you the very best of luck on your respective journeys…