The Holy Bible: The Truth Hidden in Plain Sight Part 1

This blog is about why I believe that The Bible is THE truth hidden in plain sight and will be the first of two parts: This first part will show how freemasonry inverts The Bible, how disobeying God’s word/will is a consistent theme throughout freemasonry and how I believe we are being deceived into losing our souls. Part Two will attempt to debunk the many contradictory conspiracy theories that have been created to sow doubts into the minds of potential believers by the ‘Truth’ movement, the ‘Alt. Media’ and the covert Luciferian ‘New Age’ movement’.

Last time, I mentioned my belief that the ‘New World Order’ narrative is a trojan horse that we have been programmed to believe in for thirty plus years in order for us to unwittingly bring about the real endgame of those that control us – the Aquarian Age of the false peace. I also explained why I believe this, how I came to find God in April 2020 and how, subsequently, I came to believe that The Bible is THE key to truth. 

In this blog, I will attempt to convey why I absolutely believe this to be true – but please know I am fully aware that this is entirely based on faith. If I am speaking in ‘absolutes’ I am simply speaking about what I believe in based on scripture. I am not claiming my personal beliefs based on scripture to be fact and this is a very important distinction to make. There will be links to scripture and supporting evidence but it really is all about faith and what I want to get across to you is why I place so much importance on this in the hopes that it will resonate. 

This is not a sermon – I am not preaching to you and I am not telling you what to believe. I also have nothing against people of any other religions (except for knowing Luciferians, Satanists and Kabbalists) and any criticism of religious doctrine is purely that – I am not criticising the people who have been deceived into believing the doctrines. Now that is out of the way, we can get started and what better place to start than at the beginning with the story of creation?

In the beginning…

The book of Genesis tells us how the Earth was created and explains how man used to have a direct relationship with God until Eve was tempted by the serpent (Satan) into ‘eating fruit from the Tree of Knowledge’, which taught us right from wrong and ‘made us like gods’. These themes of ‘becoming like God’ and disobeying His will are key elements to freemasonry and the mystery religions of ancient Babylon and Sumeria, where freemasonry, kabbalah and the ‘New Age’ all have their roots. Before we look into this, let us first look at what The Bible says about where we live.

The Book of Enoch presents a flat Earth model that appears to work in reality…

Now would also be a good time to discuss the Book of Enoch, which many believe was one of the books removed from The Bible. The reason I bring this up so early is because it concerns the book of Genesis and contains what I believe to be a lot of very important and interesting information about the place that we live. The main reason that people believe this book was removed from The Bible – besides the fact that, like The Book of Jasher, it is referenced within scripture – is because it appears to perfectly explain our cosmology and presents a flat Earth model that isn’t burdened by the anomalies of the Ae model (The flat, round, ‘pizza’ model).

He did that…

If we start with Genesis, we are told that God made the Earth in six days and it tells us that a firmament divides the waters on the Earth from the waters above us in the Heavens. It also describes the sun and the moon as lights in the firmament – ‘the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night’. We can see from our own observations that the sun and moon are indeed both lights, contrary to what we are told by those pushing the globe Earth deception, and Enoch tells us more… 

Makes you think…

Chapters 72-79 give us very detailed explanations of the very intricate workings of our cosmology and our self-contained, self-sustaining ecosystem and you can read a synopsis of the book here. I have fairly recently come across the “Enoch’s Square Earth” theory that, from what I have looked into so far, seems to correlate exactly with what Enoch describes and also on a practical level too. I would recommend taking a look at this website, particularly from Chapter 16 onwards, for a deeper understanding of this model and how it correlates to Enoch. I would also recommend this video here about ancient temples representing the Earth (squares) and Heaven (circles) – square and compass anyone? 

As above, so below…

Enoch reminds us that everything within nature – from the way the waves of the sea and rivers work, to the way that the sun shines brighter in summer so the trees bear more fruit – is so because it is the way TMH designed it and that His works are ongoing and not to be taken for granted. It gives us a very clear explanation of how the sun, moon and stars work and this model supports what Enoch says.

Squares for Earth, circles for the Heavens…

If we pre-suppose that the model from Enoch is correct – and it would very much appear to be so from what I have seen – then we have to ask ourselves whether this book was removed from The Bible and, if so, why? I have come to believe that Enoch and several other books have been removed from The Bible and I believe that the main reasons for this are partly because of this seemingly accurate description of our home. Yes, The Bible tells us that the Earth is flat but they created a fake pizza model to explain that – the psyop within the globe psyop – Enoch tells us much more and I would thoroughly recommend investigating this book and the flat Earth model that it describes, whatever your views on ‘religion’ or the shape of the Earth may be. 

The Book of Enoch gives more depth to The Book of Genesis and appears to tie a few loose ends…

As well as teaching us about our cosmology, The Book of Enoch tells us of the ‘Watchers’ – fallen angels – who left Heaven to take human wives and live amongst the flesh, provoking the anger of TMH in the process. It says that they sired half-breed, giant offspring (the Biblical ‘Nephilim’), with human women, that terrorised the Earth. Enoch also tells us that these Watchers taught humans many of the ‘secrets of Heaven’ such as cosmology, how to use plants to heal and for magic, how to use make up to appear more beautiful to men and, worst of all in the eyes of TMH, how to make weapons and armour – and how to use them…

Sins have consequences – even for angels…

After the Nephilim had eaten all of man’s provisions, they began eating people and even indulging in cannibalism. After man’s cries were heard in Heaven, TMH sent his Archangels to hunt down the Watchers and imprison them. The Watchers were tempted by lust and pride and they stood down from their duty to watch over mankind to actively pervert the nature of humanity by way of the flesh and by teaching man things that he was never supposed to know. We also learn why Noah was chosen to survive the Great Flood which was sent to wipe out the tainted human race and the Nephilim.

The rainbow… inverted by freemasons/Talmudists…

It gives us an understanding of the pre-flood world that we don’t get from The Bible – most likely because this book was originally in The Bible, supported by the fact that Enoch is mentioned within The Bible as being a man of renown yet where do we learn about him…? There is a good series on Enoch that can be seen here and the channel has a number of playlists about various angels, demons and gods from ancient texts that are worth checking out if that interests you. I believe that one of several reasons for this book being removed is because it describes hybrid bloodlines descended from fallen angels – a topic I will be going into a lot more in Part Two – but I don’t believe that the Nephilim were the ‘serpent seed’. Before we investigate why, let’s just re-familiarise ourselves with the creation story of The Bible.

A banana and a couple of plums…?

God created man in His own image and made woman from man. They had a direct relationship with God until Eve was tempted by Satan into eating from the Tree of Knowledge. Now, whether this was a literal eating of the fruit or whether it is a metaphor for Satan having sexual relations with Eve and telling her things she wasn’t meant to know, as it clearly states in The Targum and other ‘Biblical texts’, is open to interpretation. However, this is the interpretation believed by freemasons, pagans, gnostics etc and, if we use our common sense, we can surely ascertain that these stories are allegorical.

Kabbalah is devil worship

There is also a Kabbalistic reading whereby Adam and Eve were joined together as one androgynous being – just like their blasphemous depiction of TMH – and this is what they believe is man’s original ‘divine consciousness’ state. Kabbalah is all about ‘looking within’ to become godlike yourself – literally the serpent deception retold – and the Tree of Life – and the serpent – are key symbols in Kabbalah.  It is also about ‘self-improvement’ (like freemasonry) and coming from darkness to (Lucifer’s false) light, pushing the same narrative where TMH is a prison warder denying us knowledge and the opportunity to fulfil our potential.

Thou Shalt Not Kill…

After much consideration, I believe that the story of ‘the fall of man’ is the story of Eve being seduced by Satan, conceiving Cain with him and Abel with Adam. This theory is supported in other books as well as The Targum, including The Books of Eden, and there is a great article here that suggests that this ‘serpent seed’ is referred to multiple times in scripture that I would agree with. 

Was Cain the serpent’s seed?

I would also recommend reading these three very good pieces on the subject herehere and here. The last piece in particular would be a very valuable piece to read because it also contains links to other aspects of The Bible mentioned in this blog and it will further your understanding by reading them. The main theme that links them all is the narrative of Eve being impregnated by Satan and starting a ‘serpent seed’ bloodline through the descendants of their offspring, Cain, that is ‘at enmity’ with the seed of Adam (the descendants of Seth). The idea that this bloodline that stemmed from Satan himself is the bloodline of the ‘Illuminati’ is one that has been told many times in a number of ways – even David Icke tells us about the ‘reptilian bloodline’ – he just has to add shape shifting and literal reptilians, in typical David Icke fashion, to make people think it’s crazy…

All the way back to Cain…

I have written before about how the Canaanites are the ancestors of the people that control us now and how they used the same banking system, usury and the control of gold, silver and minerals to gain and sustain power over others and create great empires like they did in Venice and the UK – and Rome. Canaanites are the descendants of Cain, the devil’s seed if these stories are true, and this would absolutely explain why these families intermarry and keep to the same bloodlines. It would also explain why they believe themselves to be gods (Lucifer is their god – inversion, remember) and why statues of their gods adorn every major town and city in the world. 

These statues represent their gods – that’s why they are everywhere…

It also explains why their symbolism is everywhere and why so many people in the public eye have very similar physical characteristics to each other. We will be looking at this bloodline more in Part Two when we look at the Merovingian ‘Christ bloodline’ theory but it is certainly a concept not to be dismissed. The first of those three links gives a great scriptural argument as to why Cain and his descendants are the ‘serpent seed’ and the second gives us examples of many accounts of ‘two seed’ narratives from Biblical and Rabbinical scripture.


I will go more into this idea of the ‘serpent bloodline’ next time but it would certainly seem that there is more credence in the Cain theory than the Watchers in terms of who spawned this race of beings. The Nephilim were giants – although it could be argued that, over time, breeding with humans could gradually make their offspring the size of average humans – but we are told that they were all killed during the Great Flood and that their souls exist here on Earth as evil spirits. The Cain theory makes more sense because the story of Eden is clearly about a lot more than eating a piece of fruit and because Noah’s wife, Naamah, was a descendant of Cain and therefore carried the bloodline into the post-flood world…

Solomon symbolised as a lion – that also symbolises the sun god…

As I mentioned at the start, this theme of disobeying God’s will – and God’s word, which is in scripture – is the very foundation of the Mystery Schools of Babylon on which freemasonry and the pagan religions that encompass it are built upon. We will flash forward to King Solomon, an incredibly important figure in freemasonry and the occult, and the origins of freemasonry before we go back to Nimrod and Babylon to look at the origins of paganism and devil worship.

It’s all about that Third Temple…

Solomon’s story is one of redemption, from a Biblical perspective: a man who was given great wisdom by TMH and who ended up betraying Him because ultimately, like Eve, his flesh was weak. He disobeyed TMH by taking many wives and concubines from other nations – and Solomon began worshipping their various pagan gods. This angered TMH who told Solomon that he would strip the kingdom of Israel from the hand of his son and split the Israelites into twelve tribes – one of whom would be ruled by Solomon’s son for the sake of his father, David.

Solomon and Hiram are key figures in freemasonry…

The Book of Proverbs gives us an insight into Solomon’s wisdom and we can see his remorse in the Book of Ecclesiastes. Solomon lived out his days in regret, rueing that he had betrayed TMH. This is very different to how he is viewed in freemasonry but there are some parallels. The Bible tells us of Hiram Abiff, a master mason who was sent from Tyre to help Solomon build the Great Temple in Jerusalem that would house the Ark of the Covenant. Hiram is a minor character in this story but to freemasons he is a very significant – Messianic – figure. You can read about the freemasonic reverence for Hiram “The Widow’s Son” here and he is mentioned by the Judeo-Roman historian, Flavius Josephus, as being a ‘craftsman’. The Targum states that he built the great throne of Solomon which is described as having twelve lions that each faced an eagle – the freemasonic symbols of the sun – because Solomon and Hiram were freemasons.

Probably NOT the actual ring…

Solomon is often associated with the occult and this is partly because of the pagan gods that he worshipped and the rituals that began in his Temple – an affront to the God it was made for. Another reason is the legend of The Testament of Solomon that tells us of a magic ring that he was given by Satan in order that he do his bidding. The so-called ‘Star of David’ is said to be the ‘Seal of Solomon’, the symbol on the ring he was given and other accounts say that the sign on the ring was the Satanic pentagram. He is described as a skilled sorcerer and a willing participant in magic and the occult.

Messing around with demons is NOT cool, kids…

The important thing to understand is that the Biblical story of Solomon is a lesson that warns us of being weak in the flesh even if we are wise spiritually – it was through lust of the flesh that he was seduced into worshipping other gods – and Solomon’s remorse and the consequences of his actions on his people – including his own son – serve as a reminder to us all. Despite his wealth, debauchery and power, Solomon was remorseful for his actions because he had betrayed his God who gave it to him.

Freemasons love a bit of ol’ Solly…

Unsurprisingly, this story is inverted by freemasons into celebrating a character who betrayed The Most High. There is no mention of Solomon’s remorse in freemasonry and he is their ‘Lion of Judah’. There are references to eagles and lions as representations of the sun, as I have mentioned, and these symbols come from Solomon’s throne room – but this pagan devil worship goes back even further than King Solomon… all the way back to Babylon…

Christians are being duped into worshipping Nimrod…

Nimrod, the great-grandson of Noah, ruled Babylon (Assyria/Mesopotamia) with his wife Semiramis around 2,000 years before the birth of Yahshua. It was Nimrod who introduced a secular society, without The Most High, after the Great Flood and his system of the few at the top profiting from the majority via economic manipulation has been the basis of those in power – and freemasonry – ever since. It was also under Nimrod’s rule that Satanic worship and paganism began which, again, would explain the significance of this character in the freemasonic and pagan belief systems. Remember, Enoch told us that the spirits of the Nephilim would exist on Earth as evil spirits after the flood…

Paganism revisited…

Nimrod ruled Babylon after the destruction of the Tower of Babel, built as an act of rebellion against TMH – led by Nimrod’s father, Cush – and as a potential defence against another flood. Nimrod wanted to continue the rebellion against TMH and it was through occult practices that he was able to conquer the world and have everybody practicing his religion of pagan devil worship – the same goal that the freemasons controlling the world today are trying to implement via deception. 

The pagan trinity is NOT the Holy Trinity of The Bible…

This legend of Nimrod, Semiramis and their son Tammuz is one that is repeated in different cultures such as Egyptian, Persian, Greek and Roman with different names. In Egypt it is the story of Osiris, Isis and Horus and, contrary to what some may tell you, Nimrod is the basis for all of these other interpretations of this story as it predates them all. Babylon is the origin of The Mystery Religions, polytheism, paganism and Nimrod was “the first on Earth to be a mighty man” (1 Chronicles 1:10).

Nimrod worship…

We can see the symbolism everywhere from the ‘sun god’ statues to the one eye symbolism to the monoliths that depict Nimrod’s severed phallus that supposedly impregnated Semiramis rising up to pierce the firmament – just like the Tower of Babel. Freemasonic symbolism is absolutely the inversion of TMH’s will – from the codes they use that invert Bible verses to the imagery and characters they revere.

Christmas and Easter are pagan festivals explicitily forbidden in The Bible…

These characters are also the basis for pagan festivals such as Easter (Ishtar) and Christmas (Saturnalia),which scripture expressly forbids us to celebrate. Despite this, the church has actively incorporated these festivals – and many other blasphemous acts – into Christianity, starting with the formation of the Catholic Church and subsequently into other sects and denominations due to the influence of freemasonry on all organised religion. Freemasonry is all about divide and conquer and these splits within religions – as well as the creation of different religions themselves – are typical of their methodology.

The Church does not supercede the word of God

The belief that the Catholic Church has recently been ‘infiltrated’ is a typical freemasonic conspiracy theory planted to hide deeper deceptions – damage control, if you like – and we can see, from scripture itself, how the very position of ‘Pope’ – God’s representative on Earth – is blasphemous:

Nothing else to add…

So, from the very start, the Catholic Church was defying scripture by the very appointment of a Pope – literally assuming the position of Yahshua (‘Jesus’) – and we can see numerous examples of blasphemy among the doctrines and traditions of the church. They use ‘catechisms’ – “Formal indoctrination in the tenets of a Christian denomination” (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition) – to do this and we’ll take a look at a few examples.

The real ‘Mary’ was not a ‘Saint’ and nor did she remain a virgin…

A very obvious starting point would be the pagan trinity of Sun God (Nimrod), Moon Goddess (Semiramis) and their son, Sun God reborn (Tammuz) which the Catholic Church have used God, Mary and ‘Jesus’ as different names to trick believers into worshipping pagan gods. The trinity of the Catholic Church is based on paganism and not scripture. This is not opinion, this is fact. Mary did not remain a virgin – The Bible tells us that she had further children with her husband, Joseph – and the ‘Queen of Heaven’, as she is referred to by Catholics, is another name for Ishtar (Semiramis) – the whore of Babylon – according to scripture. This should tell you who Catholics are unwittingly worshipping…

You pray directly to God (not to Yahshua or Mary) and you are not obligated to confess to priests…

The REAL Biblical Trinity is the Father (Yahuah), the Son (Yahshua) and the Holy Spirit (Ruach Hakodesh). There is no feminine in the Holy Trinity and this is where paganism differs, as we saw when we looked at the kabbalistic interpretation of Genesis. This is why Mary is given such reverence in the Catholic Church when she is given none in scripture – it is just Semiramis in disguise…

How can a baby profess to believe in Yahshua?

The Catholic Church also clearly states that ‘tradition’ is equal to scripture which, again, completely contradicts God’s word. Changing the Sabbath day from Saturday to Sunday – SUN day – is another pagan deception to deceive us into disobeying The Most High. Child baptism is another ‘tradition’ that has no basis whatsoever in scripture – in fact, scripture tells us that being baptised requires us to be aware of what we are doing because repentance is a pre-requisite. Babies cannot consciously decide to be ‘reborn’ or that Yahshua died for their sins and therefore child baptism serves no spiritual purpose whatsoever.

Do you think they might be pagan sun worshippers?

The Catechisms prove time and time again that the Catholic Church directly defies scripture and is a blasphemous organisation. I have nothing against Catholics, I say this with love and from the hopes that they revisit scripture and see for themselves that the Church does not outrank scripture and that the ‘traditions’ the Church claim are as important as scripture are all pagan and blasphemous. You don’t need a religion to follow The Way.

Could they be any more blatant?

The Bible also tells us not to worship graven images or to engage in idolatry – the very opposite of what Catholicism encourages and promotes. The Bible explicitly tells us not to do this – not even a cross – and yet we see idols and icons and graven images in every Catholic church (and most other churches), often containing overtly pagan and Satanic imagery – such as The Vatican itself.

“Hold my beer”

If we look at the Pope’s Audience Hall in The Vatican, we can clearly see that both the interior and exterior are designed to show the image of a serpent. This is no coincidence and we saw when we looked at Genesis and Enoch that there are narratives that point to a race of humans spawned by Satan/fallen angels – and we’ll go into this more in Part Two – but consider this: Chapter XVIII of The Book of Eden, another of the books that some claim to have been removed from The Bible, states that Satan and his angels cannot speak. This is an interesting concept when you consider that freemasons communicate by various hand signs, codes and symbols and when you consider that the Pope speaks from the mouth of a serpent…

Was Alexander the Great Apollyon the Destroyer?

There is also a horrific sculpture that stands within the serpent’s mouth that supposedly depicts Yahshua being reborn after a nuclear holocaust. Ignoring the fact that there never could be a nuclear holocaust as nuclear weapons don’t exist – as ‘they’ obviously know (mockery) – one might ask why ‘Jesus’ is depicted as some sort of reptilian devil looking thing and why he is being reborn from the ground – like Apollyon, the beast of the pit, from Revelation 9:11, named by Yahshua as the antichrist?

Catholicism is sun worship… but no ‘son’ does not = ‘sun’ ffs…

The answer is very simple – the Catholic Church is nothing but the mystery religions of Babylon in disguise and the version of ‘Jesus’ presented to the world by the church and by celebrities on our screens is not the Yahshua of scripture. I don’t want to go deep into the gospel here but this video about why it was necessary for Yahshua to die in order for man to be reconciled with The Most High gives a great explanation.

The Yahshua of The Bible is not the ‘Jesus’ of the world…

What is important to understand here is that the ‘Jesus’ of the world and the Yahshua of scripture are two very different characters who are portrayed in very different ways and what is important to note is the similarity between ‘Jesus’ and the new age false Christ that will ‘save us’ from the trojan horse ‘New World Order’. This is why so many ‘truthers’ are being duped, in my opinion, into rejecting The Bible – because they believe that this is a freemasonic psyop and they are partly right – half truths are the speciality of freemasons, let’s not forget. Only, it isn’t The Bible that they have changed (we’ll get into the technicalities of this in Part Two), it is the way that it is presented to us. In my opinion, there is some sort of ‘law’ in place that prevents ‘them’ from changing the basic message for a number of reasons.

It really is THAT obvious…

Freemasonry is based on inversion and their beliefs are based on an inverted interpretation of The Bible where Yahuah (The Most High) is a ‘prison warder’ who enslaved His creations in Eden until Lucifer the Light Bearer came and woke man up to his potential – to ‘be like gods’. This is the exact same ethos as the New Age ‘spiritualism’ that has been pushed hard for the last thirty years – by the same people pushing the ‘New World Order’ storyline – because it is part of a Luciferian agenda to bring about the return to Babylon on Earth, living in defiance of our Creator’s will. 

Satan needs permission…

We know that they need our consent and I believe that this also applies to The Bible. There are certain things that I believe they have changed in The Bible that I will go into next time but I do not believe that they can change the overall theme – namely the covenant between TMH and His people. I believe that this theory is supported by scripture because, in the Book of Job, Satan has to ask permission from TMH to test Job and, in Luke 22:31-32, Yahshua tells Peter that Satan had asked for permission to tempt him from his faith.

Two completely different characters…

To me it makes no sense whatsoever why ‘they’ would go to all the trouble of changing the character of Yahshua so drastically – to the point where He is unrecognisable from the Yahshua in scripture – if He was a character they simply invented anyway. I will go into more detail in the next part when we look at some of the supposed ‘evidence’ of Yahshua being fictional or ‘the antichrist’ (half-truths, remember) but I will just briefly outline why The Bible makes perfect sense to me in terms of an explanation of why we are here.

Yes… it does…

Firstly, the story of creation makes a lot more sense to me than the ridiculous ‘big bang theory’ and the Earth is provably flat. When we consider this fact – and it IS a fact – then we have to question who told us lies and why. Well, we can see that all of these lies – from ‘big bangs’ to ‘outer space’ to ‘evolution’ and ‘dinosaurs’ were all perpetrated by freemasons to push a very clear agenda – to hide our creator from us and to hide where we live from us. ‘Why would they do this?’ I hear people ask and the answer is a very simple one – a person who doesn’t know where he comes from doesn’t know who he is (not to mention the hiding of land and resources from us). How can you understand your purpose if you have no idea where you are or how you got here? 


The Bible tells us very clearly how we got here and why we are here. It tells us numerous times that we are not here to live the lives we want to live – we are here to live the lives that TMH wants us to live and it is very simple to understand the concept behind it. The temptation of Eve by Satan gave us the knowledge of what is right and what is wrong and that came at a price. That price was that man would no longer be immortal and would return to dust from whence he came. 

God’s laws > man made laws

The other consequence is that we now have a conscience so that means that we have to follow TMH’s commands – ignorance is not an excuse. The failure of man to adhere to these commands saw TMH’s wrath vented numerous times – most notably with the Great Flood – and He even explicitly gave man Ten Commandments that people must abide by if they want eternal life. The people of Israel continually ignored the many warnings given by The Most High and eventually Israel was conquered by foreign armies because they no longer had His protection. They wanted to be like other nations – like the world – and have a king, a man, to lead them rather than TMH. The consequence was they got conquered like other nations…

Yahshua fulfilled all of the Old Testament prophesies concerning The Messiah…

TMH’s solution was to send His only Son, Yahshua, to Earth to live as the spirit made flesh. Yahshua lived a sinless life and kept all of His Father’s commandments – fulfilling all of the prophesies made by the Old Testament prophets – and he willingly gave His life to pay the penalty for all of our sins – even yours. Yahshua is not a barrier between us and TMH – He removed the barrier. All humans are sinners in the eyes of TMH, without exception – only Yahshua lived a truly sinless life here on Earth – and His suffering and death cancelled out the penalty that must be paid for our lives of sin.

The covenants in a nutchell…

The death of Yahshua removed the people of Judea’s status as “God’s chosen people” – because they rejected their own Messiah and had Him killed, the ultimate blasphemy. Any person can be ‘saved’ by sincere belief that Yahshua was spirit made flesh, who died for our sins and rose again from the dead – wherever they are from and whatever their past sins may have been – but let’s clear up some very important issues on this topic. Some people believe that simply believing in Yahshua is enough – this is not true. Yahshua tells us that we need to obey His Father’s commandments and actually amended them to make them even stricter – don’t think that because you believe that you can knowingly and wilfully sin without consequence…

It’ s very clear…

For those who find the idea of a man returning to life as ‘impossible’ or ‘crazy’, let’s just remember that the being who restored Yahshua to life from physical death is The Most High – the being that created the incredibly sophisticated home we live in and everything in it. If you can create man from dust and you can create a self-sustaining eco-system that works as perfectly as Earth then returning your Son to life after three days would be a piece of cake, I’d imagine.

This is why we were given God’s grace…

My intention is not to preach – although I do sincerely believe that the most important thing that any one of you can do right now is seek out Yahshua and read The Bible, starting with the Gospels (John and Matthew in particular) – I am simply stating my beliefs and why I believe in them. It will either resonate with you or it won’t. If it doesn’t, this isn’t to say that it never will or that you are a spawn of Satan – it simply means that you are not ready to hear the message – yet… 

No, not ‘that’ Q…

Two years ago, it would have been unthinkable for me to have the relationship I now have with The Most High and if you told me that I’d be a servant of Yahshua and an avid reader of The Bible I would have thought you were insane. All I can tell you is that The Bible and Yahshua are not like you perceive them to be and that nothing resonates with me as much. The idea that life is basically a test to attain eternal salvation, that sees you pitted against the many temptations of Satan’s world makes perfect sense to me. Nothing good ever came easy…

All religions are controlled by freemasons – which means Luciferians…

Sins might seem trivial to you but to TMH they are very serious and if you watched the video about why Yahshua had to die in order to pay the penalty for our sins then you will understand why. Things like celebrating Christmas or Easter or having a Sunday sabbath are very serious sins and this is exactly why the Catholic Church brough these pagan traditions into ‘Christianity’ – to deceive Christians into sin – and the main reason this happens is because people don’t read their Bibles. If they did, they would absolutely see that the Church and ‘traditions’ are pagan and blasphemous.

We are tempted into sin our by our human weaknesses

Dante identified the Seven Deadly Sins as Pride, Lust, Greed, Gluttony, Sloth, Envy, and Wrath and these, to me, represent the basic human flaws – our weaknesses. If you look around right now, you will see that our society very much pushes these sins/weaknesses as virtues and there is a very good reason for this. The very first sin was Satan’s pride and this is arguably the worst sin of all and one that stops so many from waking up to brutal truths.
The Bible tells us that Satan rules this domain and we can see it, not only by the signs and symbols that give reverence to him everywhere, but also by the promotion of these vices. The world around us has been gearing us up to prepare us for a world where these sins are seen as virtues – and we will go a lot deeper into this next time to discover why – but this must surely make people question why this is?

They surely do…

If we know that freemasons control this world and we know that they believe in Lucifer, then we have to consider a few things. Firstly, if we accept that these people have access to hidden knowledge then we have to accept that they have good reason to believe this to be true. We also know that they believe in duality and inversion and therefore, if they believe in the devil and the antichrist (as their god and messiah) then it stands to reason that there must be a God and a Messiah (their devil and antichrist). This is just a logical conclusion if we accept these basic premises.

These are not ‘holy’ places or people…

We can then ascertain that, if they believe in the teachings of the devil and the devil is the ‘father of all lies’ then they have been deceived – in which case the inversion – the word of TMH, The Bible – must be truth. Our basic, innate moral compass tells us that the teachings and conduct of Yahshua are inherently good and that the teachings and conduct of freemasons are inherently bad so it is safe to say that our perception of who is good and who is evil is a sound one – “By their fruits ye shall know them”…

Depends on your point of view, I guess…

Satan’s goal is to put himself above The Most High and he will use whoever and whatever he can to achieve this aim. Consent by deception is Satan’s weapon and we can see that this is the modus operandi of his followers. Their goal is to cheat you out of eternal life, to bring you the second death, because they do the work of the one known as Death, as well as many other names, and by turning you away from Yahshua this is exactly what they are doing and what they have been doing for a long, long time. The above quote from Dave Mustaine of Megadeth sums it up perfectly: we are conditioned by the Satanic values that influence us to enjoy sinning against TMH. 

All rituals…

Look around at your friends and family, at the adverts on your televisions, at the high streets, retail parks and Satanic ritual sites disguised as sports grounds, concert halls and nightclubs. The temptation to sin is everywhere and it is all by design. These are the very things that are being used against people right now to coerce them into taking poison – they are addicted to Satan’s world and sin. These people will willingly, unquestioningly poison themselves just because they want to watch a devil puppet perform Satanic rituals disguised as a concert or watch fixed sports coded with gematria – these people have been conditioned to love what TMH hates.


The Bible tells us that we should be living our lives according to the will of TMH, not according to our own will, and I totally get why people take issue this, being an atheist for most of my life. I am someone that has always valued freedom and the idea of religion being used as a control mechanism – and they are – never sat right with me. When you read and understand The Bible it all makes sense and becomes very clear. The penalty for sin is death and we are all sinners. Yahshua paid that penalty for us and offers us the chance of eternal salvation via belief that he was God made flesh and rose from the dead and by obedience to His father’s commandments.

And they all come from paganism, funnily enough…

I get the argument that some people have which suggests that this is some form of control, but I would argue that the fact that their very clear Luciferian agenda completely contradicts the way The Bible tells us that TMH wants us to live supports the argument that these ‘controllers’ cannot change the basic message of The Bible – again, we’ll go into some of the ‘fine print’ of this next time. 

and so do his apostles…

The biggest barrier between man and TMH is religion. The control aspect comes from the freemasons placed there to deceive them away from following His will and commandments. Again, this is how they do it, not by ‘inventing Yahshua’ or ‘writing The Bible’ – like pizza flat Earth, the ‘Christianity’ taught in churches is only half truths – it’s mockery.

Look around you… don’t be like people…

Yahshua told us that the way to the truth is the narrow path and there is no path narrower than the path that follows Him – and there is a very good reason for this. We only have to look at His own life and the rejection He faced from His own people to understand that this world is not a place that accepts truth or good, in the main. He spent His life dedicated to serving The Most High and helping others – healing them, feeding them, comforting them, teaching them – knowing what His fate would be and knowing that he would be hated by the world.

So, no, not really…

Following Yahshua and submitting to TMH is not easy – it requires a lot of self-discipline. You will face mockery from, not only the deceivers out to test your faith and turn you away from the narrow path and onto Satan’s path with the herd, but also from people who have had bad experiences with what they perceive to be The Bible and ‘Jesus’ because of a background within organised religion, people of other religions and atheists who believe in big bangs and dinosaurs. 

They are almost all pagan religions…

I will go into the Coexist movement and how the Church is defying TMH and encouraging believers into adapting to the world next time but understand this: ALL religions are based on paganism except for those following the Biblical scriptures and I will explain why. All polytheistic religions are pagan by their very nature and have their origins in Mystery Babylon. Islam is based on worship of the moon god Sin/Ishtar (and was created by the Catholic Church, which is pagan) and is therefore not the same God as in The Bible. If it were the same God, then they would acknowledge Yahshua as His son…

The synagogue of Satan…

This leaves Christianity and Judaism and much of Judaism has been tainted by the kabbalah and the Talmud. This is devil worship and based on the pagan gods of Babylon and Caanan – the people that Yahshua called the ‘Synagogue of Satan’ (“those who call themselves Jews but are not” – because they worship Moloch/Ba’al/Nimrod, not The Most High). The original Torah Jews practice Judaism by following the Torah and (The Biblical Old Testament) and TMH – and this is not based on pagan worship – however, they also do not acknowledge or accept Yahshua as the Messiah…

It’s all there…

This is key. There seems to be some sort of psyop going around about Yahshua being a ‘barrier between man and God’ but the very evident truth, as shown in scripture, is that Yahshua removed the barrier – which is why all other religions have a supposed ‘direct relationship’ with their gods – you know, the ones that are all based on paganism… 

You are either of God or of the world…

I believe that this psyop is why so many confused people claim to believe in The Bible but not in Yahshua – in other words, they only believe in the Old Testament (Torah) like Jews – only they aren’t Jewish so the covenant isn’t open to them without belief in Yahshua… what a conundrum…

A servant of Satan

This leaves Christianity but, as we have seen, the Catholic Church is absolutely built on paganism and devil worship – which is why it is so ritualistic – like free masonry. It isn’t just the Catholic Church either – all denominations are controlled by freemasons and subvert scripture in some way – whether by celebrating pagan festivals, adopting non-scriptural practices like child baptism or idolising graven images.


The only ‘religion’ (I would think of it more as a way of life – “THE way, THE truth, THE life”) that is untainted is following the word of your Creator which is in The Bible. No other belief system has come under attack from so many angles in the last 150 years or so as the Christianity as taught in The Bible. It comes under attack from the denominations within the religion themselves, as we have seen, and it also comes under constant attack from all forms of the media, the arts and (pseudo)’science’. No other religion is subject to so much negative attention from the ‘Powers That Be’ and, when we place this evidence alongside the fact that freemasons invert everything and base their entire belief system on an inverted Biblical narrative then it suddenly becomes a lot clearer.

It’s legal to persecute believers in Yahshua…

I will go into Revelation next time but if we look around at what is happening now then we can see examples of how The Bible really does serve as a warning for these times we are heading into and how to deal with them. Many of us have experienced, or are experiencing, relationship breakdowns with friends and family due to being on both sides of this ‘great deception’ that The Bible warns us of. Yahshua explains that families will be torn apart due to belief in Him (truth – He is ‘the way, the truth, the life’) and that you will be hated for following Him (truth). Many of you may not be following Him but if you are opposing this Covid psyop then something inside you has made you oppose the same evil that He opposes and warns us of. Whether you know it or not, you absolutely align with Yahshua on some level at least. 

I have nothing further to add…

The Bible is a story of the battle between the spirit and the temptation of the flesh – from Eve being tempted by Satan, to Solomon’s weak flesh tempting him to sin despite his great wisdom, to Satan tempting Yahshua in the desert for forty days and forty nights with promises of Earthly riches and power if only He would bow down to him. This is exactly what our lives are – spiritual battles that tempt us away from TMH and into the clutches of Satan – and these spiritual battles can affect our mental and physical health if we allow them to. 

God definitely doesn’t approve of pushing poison for imaginary viruses…

The sad truth is that the vast majority of these ‘truthers’ that I see on Twitter are most definitely following the devil’s path – some knowingly, some out of ignorance. They follow deceivers and they peddle their disinformation about viruses, contagions and vaccines that enables this psyop to continue. They repeat, without question, dangerous misinformation spread by low level shills such as vaccines ‘shedding’ and the promotion of big pharma poison (Ivermectin, HCQ) for ‘viruses’ that don’t even exist. They are doing the devil’s work because they are following devil puppets. Ignorance is no excuse for sin, I am afraid, and the penalty for sin is death – the second death. The final death.

Even when I was an atheist it was hard to come up with a logical argument…

Given how obvious it is in these times that the freemasons pushing this agenda are motivated by their kabbalistic, pagan, Luciferian religion – and their obsession with duality/inversion, it might be an idea for those on the fence to consider Pascal’s Wager, that I remember from my philosophy lectures, in which Blaise Pascal proposed that there are four outcomes regarding ‘God’ in your life: you can disbelieve and there is great loss if it turns out God is real and no reward if He isn’t and, alternatively, you can believe and gain great rewards if God is real and suffer no loss if He isn’t.


This is a very important point to consider because the only ‘loss’ you would suffer by following the teachings of Yahshua and believing in Him as your Messiah would be turning your back on a life of sin, based on the deceptions and the distractions of those doing the devil’s work to deceive you. It really should be a no-brainer but we already see many supposed ‘dissidents’ signing track and trace forms with fake names – which is absolute compliance – all because they can’t say no to the pub. We have ‘freedom fighters’ doing their best to bring in the vax passports they claim to oppose by getting tested to go on holiday – but it’s OK because the test doesn’t go up their nose and inconvenience them so they can pick and choose what they ‘resist’…

False idols, every one…

So-called ‘truthers’ are upset because they think they have to be vaccinated to attend Satanic rituals disguised as sports events and concerts performed by devil puppets – and they KNOW this too – because they cannot say no to it, they cannot turn their backs on these bread and circus rituals – they are absolutely addicted to them and have no desire to break free of them. I used to love them all too but I know what they are so why would I participate in them for? When you grow up you put away childish things and idolising devil puppets that you know full well participate in evil and attempt to influence the way you think is childish to put it politely!


These people also turn a blind eye to the symbolism on show at the demos and by the people organising them and the ones speaking – and even their ‘friends’ on social media. They show you what they are – just like royals and politicians and sports stars and musicians and actors do – because they are all part of the same club and they all show allegiance to the same evil pagan gods. Mocking the uninitiated is just part of their rituals.

Grand advice…

I have experienced first-hand how TMH can profoundly affect your life in all manner of ways if you read the word of God, have faith that His Son died for your sins and was raised from the dead and if you truly repent of your sins. For me it has been a very long and hard process and, early on, it was because I had many of the same nagging doubts that many of you probably have right now – mainly the various ‘psyop’ theories that are there to plant seeds of doubt in our minds and challenge our faith – and I will cover many of these next time.

With God on David’s side, Goliath was the underdog…

Last year was a great year for me in terms of acquiring knowledge and finding The Most High and Yahshua but this year has really been a year of lessons – incredibly valuable ones. I have learned directly how spiritual warfare works and that it is a very real concept. I have learned that, when you trust in TMH to take care of your needs then He most certainly will, but when you start to worry about trivial material things then bad people with bad intentions come into your life…


I’ve learned that there are many spiritually dead people being used as vessels for darkness and I really have no interest in engaging with these people any longer. I have highlighted their deceptions and their cowardly, psychopathic behaviour and I have highlighted their links to freemasonry – including the bent coppers they sent to my house because they thought I was dumb enough to turn up to the little ritual they tried to trick me into voluntarily attending…


I have had many of these freemasonic deceivers trying to worm their way in from ‘big name’ shills to the ones who pretend to be ‘normal’ people on Twitter so, to the people who complain about people on Twitter being called freemasons and shills, I would say when you have death threats, people turning up at your house, the police ignoring this because the people doing it are freemasons, people trying to set up shady meets and freemasons sending their bent copper mates round your house then I’ll happily listen to what you have to say about people on Twitter ‘unfairly’ being called freemasons…

This is what the New Age and ‘truth’ movements are ushering in…

Ultimately, I have learned that the ‘truth’ movement is either a path to TMH or a path to destruction – many people are going to be duped into bringing about the real endgame because they don’t understand how freemasonry operates and they don’t understand that they are motivated by their religion, not by the meaningless materialism that entirely control their perceptions of the world. This is why these people want to return to their pre-2020 slavery – they have no idea that they were always slaves because they were distracted with their phoney lifestyles – it took them being taken away for them to even notice that something was amiss…

So remedy that…

It is my belief that the freemasons controlling this realm have hidden the truth right in front of us and, instead, have created endless deceptions, disinformation campaigns and whole psyops dedicated to destroying the image of Christianity and The Bible. We saw at the start how the flat Earth psyop was designed to kill belief in our creator and to create a mythical solar system – with ‘planets’ named after pagan gods and the sun in the centre – because they are sun worshipping freemasons as we have seen. They can’t change the shape of the Earth so they change how they present it to us – the same thing is true of scripture, in my opinion.

Beautifully put…

The underlying message of The Bible is the relationship between man and TMH – and the covenant between our Creator and His people – and it is this which I believe cannot be changed and what is THE truth hidden in plain sight. The biggest factors for me are the fact that it is ONLY Christianity that has been overtly persecuted worldwide for the past 150 years and it is also ONLY Christianity that has the Son of God as the way to the Father – and we KNOW all of the other religions – including the official ‘Christian’ religions that absolutely do not follow scripture – are pagan…

Exactly this…

The ‘New Age’ deception has hooked a lot of ‘truthers’ by deceiving them using the literal oldest trick in THE book – the belief that God’s word is a lie, that they can become like God and that they can live forever – straight outta Eden! You will see many of these ‘New Age’ Luciferians in and around the ‘freedom movement’ and the protests and also on the ‘Alt. Media’ pushing ‘New Age’ narratives.

Sadly true…

We will look at more of these deceptions in part two, including the Talmud, the ‘Piso Hoax’, The King James Bible, the Merovingian bloodline and the Coexist movement that is being used to bring about a one world religion based on the mystery religions of Babylon – in defiance of God. In the meantime, please do consider reading the Gospels or watching The History of Religion series on the Truth Unedited YT channel for a very thorough and easy to understand series of presentations about scripture and other aspects of religion.

Coming next time…

I hope that your perceptions of what The Bible is have been changed if they were negative before and I hope that you can see the importance of The Bible to the freemasons who are controlling us. If you approach it with an open mind and an open heart then you will gain much from it, I am sure.
Until next time…